@易明之光 2023-07-23 字数 759 阅读 0

福报的终极意义 The Ultimate Meaning of Karmic Rewards

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

Excerpt from The Mirror of Causality 06

很多人行善就跟做生意差不多: 一天做多少善事,积累多少的功德。甚至还每天记个账: 今天布施了几块钱,明天又帮了一下谁。好像有什么功德可得。
For many people, doing kind things is like doing business: each day they measure how many good acts they can perform and accumulate merits accordingly. They even keep a daily record: how much money they donated today and whom they helped on the next day. It seems as if they can gain some kind of merit from these actions.

And if they originally didn't have a son suddenly have one, they may consider it a karmic reward. But is it always a good thing to have a son? Perhaps it could be unsettled karmic debts from past relationships coming to be repaid.

世间人认为没有后代就不行,贪著生子。所以他觉得生儿子是福报。 其实生儿子有什么福报啊?大多是来讨债的。
People in this world believe that without descendants, life is incomplete, so they are eager to have sons. Therefore, they consider having a son as a karmic reward. In fact, what kind of blessing is it to have a son? In most cases, it is often about repaying debts from the past.

Of course, there are also those who come to repay kindness. However, there is nothing extraordinary about it. In the past, we may have made sacrifices for them, saved their lives, raised them, or helped them. In this lifetime, they come to repay those debts, and that's all.

Of course, if in the past, he was a practitioner whom we made offerings to, and now he is reborn here to continue his practice and repay our kindness, then it can be considered to have some significance.

It is widely known that making offerings to the Three Jewels [Buddha, Dharma, Sangha] brings great merits and karmic rewards. In fact, the term "reward" refers to the karmic affinity we establish with those who are on the path to liberation. By doing so, we have the opportunity to attain liberation ourselves, a chance to truly break free from all sufferings within the Three Realms.

If we just help people in the world, even if it means making everyone live a happy life, it is still within the cycle of samsara (reincarnation). It may make us stay in samsara longer and descend deeper into it. It is futile.

All of these are virtuous actions with afflictions, positive actions in the realm of humans and heaven. They are not ultimate. If one takes them as ultimate, then it falls into the realm of outsiders (non-Buddhist practitioners).

The Ten Positive Actions form the foundation of our liberation. We do not engage in positive actions simply to enjoy karmic rewards, but to attain a precious human life, providing the opportunity to follow the path of liberation and the path of Bodhisattva. A life of ease and fulfillment may not always be a blessing; it just signifies our good fortune to encounter the true Dharma and have the time and ability to practice it.

Therefore, we should not approach positive actions with a greedy mind. Among the Ten Positive Actions, one is "do not be greedy", while among the Ten Negative Actions, one is "greedy". Therefore, if we practice positive actions with greed, we are actually already heading in the wrong direction.

In the current age of the Dharma-ending period, people tend to approach positive actions with greed. They do positive actions expecting some kind of favorable return, such as fame, wealth, or worldly gains, satisfying their desires.

We think that obtaining what we desire is a good thing. Actually, it is not necessarily a good thing; if we exhaust all the rewards of our positive actions, we will have no opportunity for future cultivation.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023