@易明之光 2023-09-10 字数 2331 阅读 0

颜色是怎样产生的? How Colors Are Produced?

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

Before the 20th century, people believed that colors existed objectively, independent of the mind.
Whether it is day or night, an object's color is always there.
When there is light, we could see its color.
Even today, most people still believe this without pondering.

However, with the development of physics and physiology in the 20th century, humans realized that the so-called color is just a visual response in the mind that is produced by the interaction of certain light waves and the visual faculty.
Color is also a phenomenon that is related to the mind.

Now, let's analyze from the following ten aspects in detail.

First, the visual faculty, including the eyeballs, optic nerves, and the visual area of the cerebral cortex, are all composed of cells and are matter.
This is the external faculty, also known as the sense organ, which is composed of gross substances.
Besides, there is also the internal visual faculty, also known as the pure-form faculty, which is an extremely fine substance that is invisible to the physical eye but visible to the heavenly eye.

Second, visible forms refer to the visible light waves that interact with the visual faculty to produce vision.
由物理学可知:色尘是波长 380—780纳米之间的电磁波。
According to physics, a visible form is an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength between 380 and 780 nanometers.

The electromagnetic waves within this range are called visible light.
Those outside this range cannot be perceived by humans (such as infrared and ultraviolet light), thus are not called visible light. However, other animals may be able to sense them and produce a visual response.

When these visible light waves interact with the visual faculty of normal humans, vision is produced.
When the electromagnetic waves outside this range interact with our visual faculty, vision cannot be produced, namely, nothing happens.

总之,色尘是专指可见光波,是有可能产生视觉反应的不同频率的电磁波。 In short, visible forms specifically refer to visible light waves, which are electromagnetic waves of different frequencies that can produce visual responses.

Third, the light waves are refracted by the eyeball and reach the retina, and the photoreceptor cells on the retina receive the light waves.
There are countless photoreceptor cells on the retina that receive different photons and different energies.
Then, through the optic nerve, the information is transmitted to the visual cortex of the brain, where a sensation is produced by the mental factor of feeling and a visual object is produced by the mental factor of perception.

It should be noted that the visual object and the visible form are different.
The visual object is an image produced by the mental factor of perception, after the the visual faculty interacts with the visible form, and is triggered by the mental factors of contact, attention, and feeling.
The visual object is an image, perceived by the visual consciousness.

Fourth, physical objects are only conditions for producing visual objects. Any image needs to be manifested by the visual faculty.
When humans attentively use their eyes to focus on something, that thing itself doesn't have color or visual object.
It only reflects certain frequencies of light waves and absorbs others.
Only when the reflected light waves enter our eyes and produce visual responses can an image be manifested.

All the images of external phenomena are produced by the mental factor of perception. There is no visual object externally.

例如,天上的月球 ,不管我们看不看它,它都在那里。月球是存在的,
For example, the moon exists in the sky whether we look at it or not.
But only when we look at it and the sunlight it reflects enters our eyes to produce vision, can we call it "shining moon".
When we don't look at it, we can only call it "shineless moon".

For example, on the 30th night of the lunar calendar, all the sunlight shining on the moon is blocked by the earth. The moon is still hanging in the sky, but whether we look at it or not, we can only call it "shineless moon".
Based on this, we can start to understand what is meant by "all forms are created by the mind only".

Fifth, when the intensity of the light waves entering the eyes is different, the brightness of the visual object will be different.
When an object is in motion, after the light waves it reflects enter the eyes, the visual object produced will also change accordingly.

Sixth, different animals have different visual responses to light waves of the same frequency. The most representative example is the cat family, who can see infrared light.
Besides, beings in other dimensions, such as ghosts, asuras, and gods, have more different visual responses to electromagnetic waves.

Seventh, when we close our eyes or open them in a dark place, as long as we focus on our vision and look attentively, we can see darkness.
The so-called "darkness in front of our eyes" means that even in this situation, vision can still be produced.
There are also many situations where we have no vision, such as in dreamless sleep, when we close our eyes and think, eat, or listen to music.

Eighth, seeing darkness and seeing void are different.
Darkness is a visual object, which is a dark image.
Void, on the other hand, is devoid of visual object, which is called void object.

The beings in the four formless realms have this experience.
They abide in the concentration of the formless realms - infinite consciousness, infinite space, nothingness, and "neither perception nor non-perception", there is no visual object, but they can feel different levels of void.

Ninth, blind people are those whose visual faculty (including the eye balls, optic nerves, and visual cortex) are damaged. However, if they focus their attention on the vision and look attentively, they can also see darkness.
This is because the visual function is one of the functions of the mind. Blind people don't completely lose their vision due to the damage of their visual faculty.
The visual faculty is only one of the material conditions for producing vision.
If a blind person practices meditation and develops the heavenly eye, he can not only see but also see things in the distance.

Tenth, in a dream, the eye organ is not functioning, but the internal visual faculty is functioning, and the mental factor of perception can manifest visual objects, producing vision.
Some acquired blind individuals can also generate vision and see things in their dreams.

Usually, humans instinctively believe that visual objects exist outside of the mind and are "objective existence".
Now, we know that visual objects are not "objective existence" that we see, but are created by the mental factor of perception, and belong to mental activities.
Therefore, visual objects are mental phenomena; while visible forms are material phenomena, not mental phenomena.

For example, before waking up from a dream, humans instinctively believe that the dream exists objectively. When a tiger is chasing you, you definitely run faster, because you think the tiger is real and outside of your mind.
But after waking up, you realize that the dream (the tiger) was all created by your mind.
In fact, although we are awake now, it's also like a dream, everything we see outside is created by our mind.
In short, visual objects are visual responses. They are manifested by the mental factor of perception, relying on the seeds in the store consciousness, when visible forms interact with the visual faculty.

Someone asked: Are the other four sense objects the same as visual objects?
Answer: The other four sense objects - auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile objects, are also mental phenomena on the same level as visual objects.

Let's briefly explain auditory objects.
The auditory faculty includes the outer ear, auditory nerve, and the auditory area of the cerebral cortex. They are all made up of cells and are matter.
Besides, there is also the internal auditory faculty, also known as the pure-form faculty, which is an extremely fine substance that is invisible to the physical eye but visible to the heavenly eye.

Sounds refer to the sound waves in physics. When air vibrates, sound waves are produced.
Sound waves with frequencies between 20 to 2000 Hertz can be perceived by humans.
Auditory objects are the auditory responses produced in the mind, when sounds interact with the auditory faculty.

Gustatory objects are the gustatory responses of sour, sweet, bitter, or spicy produced in the mind, when food interacts with the tongue.
Olfactory objects are the various olfactory responses produced in the mind, when various inhaled gases interact with the nose.
Tactile objects are the various tactile responses produced in the mind, when different things touch different parts of the body.

In summary, the five sense objects - visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile objects, don't exist objectively, but are our visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile responses.
In other words, they are mental phenomena.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023