@易明之光 2023-07-20 字数 1118 阅读 0

爱和情不是一回事 Love and Affection are not the Same Thing

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

从无始以来,凡夫执着 “我” 是个真实的存在。也执着其他人是真实的存在。
Since beginningless time, ordinary people have clung to the belief that "I" is a real existence, and also cling to the belief that other people are real existences.

In the long river of reincarnation, ordinary beings evolve gradually, entwining countless karmic connections. In their interactions, due to the accumulation of karma from multiple lifetimes, love arises. Love is a caring and willing-to-give attitude. From love, affection arises; affection is a mindset of attachment and possessiveness. The term "love" represents the act of giving, and "affection" represents the act of possessing.

The deeper the love, the stronger the attachment; and with attachment comes increasing suffering. The greatest suffering and unease for human beings arise from this "affection." We can buy material possessions with money but we cannot buy the human heart with money, which is also subject to change.

At the beginning of acquaintance, both hearts were delighted, and they felt that the other person was wonderful, thinking that their feelings for each other could last forever. However, this was merely a one-sided wish. Relative stability does not mean permanently unchanged; everyone's afflictions and karma continue to evolve, and their body and mind are constantly changing.

When men and women are dating, they are generally happy, and both sides have a lot of love for each other. However, as time goes by, the mutual love decreases, and the attachment of possession becomes heavier, leading to arguments and conflicts. Any change of the relationship we cling to can dominate our joys, angers, sorrows, and pleasures. Because everything is impermanent and cannot be grasped. Especially when it comes to human mind, it can change in an instant. One day we might feel affectionate, and the next day, we could be angry or complaining.

Each person's temperament and mental state are constantly changing, and the fate between two individuals is also evolving, beyond our grasp and control. Can we still be the same as we were at the beginning? Love is like that, imperceptibly turning into suffering.

When affectionate attachment becomes heavy and possessiveness grows strong, not getting what we desire or losing it becomes incredibly distressing. Countless individuals find themselves melancholic and heartbroken, shedding tears for love. Tragic incidents of suicide and murder driven by affection happen daily on this planet.

In novels and movies, it is often portrayed that men are fickle and easily shift their affections, but in reality, women tend to change faster than men. The heart of a girl is like clouds in the sky, constantly changing and very difficult to fathom.

From both psychological and physiological perspectives, generally speaking, men tend to have a little more love, while women tend to have a slightly deeper affection compared to men.

When women are looking for a husband, they tend to have a more demanding mindset, seeking someone reliable, at the very least having food and clothing, ideally owning a car and a house, and preferably having power and influence, along with talent and good looks. They rarely consider whether the man possesses virtues and good characters. She may not necessarily love the other person; what matters most is satisfying her material needs and vanity. Women are more pragmatic because, subconsciously, they place greater emphasis on their love and affection for their children. Therefore, men must have the ability to support their families financially.

However, men have significant differences in their mindset compared with women when it comes to choosing a partner. If a man doesn't love someone, he is generally unwilling to marry, while many women are willing to marry someone they don't love.

Marriage and family are the inevitable results of increasing attachment. In modern China, if a family decides not to have children, the divorce rate will sharply rise. Many families, after having children, develop a strong "love and affection" towards them. Children become a bond, and both partners are unwilling to let go, so they maintain the relationship this way. Ordinary people are like this, they remain clinging and suffering.

The enlightened ones tell us that there is destiny between people, and the depth of this destiny has been determined in past lives. It is not easy for us to reunite in this life, so let us cherish each other and cherish this connection. Let there be more love and less affection. When this life's fate comes to an end, when it's time to let go, let's do it gracefully and decisively. May our blessings to each other be the best connection to continue our bond in the next life.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023