@易明之光 2023-07-20 字数 947 阅读 0

快乐是有公式的?Is Happiness Formulaic?

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

The so-called happiness is actually a relief from suffering. We experience this kind of relief from suffering in our daily lives all the time, because from the moment we are born, there are many sufferings we need to alleviate. From the very beginning, we experience hunger, cold, heat, and fatigue, these are the most basic ones.

Girls like shopping for clothes as they grow up. When they see a nice and affordable outfit, they will immediately go and buy it, feeling pretty and happy in it.

This so-called happiness is due to a change in your inner state, a relief from the "suffering of not getting what you wanted".

What is the "suffering of not getting what you wanted"? It's when you crave something, really want to have it, but you keep failing to obtain it, leading to suffering. Going back to the previous example, if you didn't have a craving for that outfit, you wouldn't have felt happy wearing it.

So, this happiness comes from the satisfaction of your craving mind, the relief of your desires being fulfilled, and feeling that wearing this outfit satisfies your vanity for a moment.

Vanity is also a form of suffering; you desire to be praised and admired by others, but if you don't receive it, it becomes another form of suffering. However, when others start admiring and praising you, your vanity is satisfied, and you feel a sense of happiness. If you have no vanity at all, then when others praise you, you won't feel anything.

Upon careful self-observation, we realize that throughout the day, we actually have many, many needs, some of which we may not even be aware of as they lie hidden in our minds. When these needs go unfulfilled, we can only endure them.

Imagine that you are in a good mood today and have no worries. You lie down, and a skilled masseuse massages your back. You would feel very comfortable. Why is that? We didn't feel any suffering before the massage. I was full of energy, in a good mood, and my body wasn't in pain.

But in reality, your body was still experiencing suffering; you were just enduring it. Only when the massage on your spine relaxes your body and mind, do you feel comfortable. This comfort is actually because your muscles were fatigued or the energy channels in your back might have become blocked.

So, through the massage, the pain is relieved, and that's when you experience happiness. If you were to massage the back of a healthy five or six-year-old child, they wouldn't feel any joy; in fact, they might find it painful.

Why do adults feel happy when they get a massage at a certain point in life? It's because they have started to experience the "suffering of aging," indicating that they are getting older. However, this kind of suffering may not be so severe that it prevents us from living or working; we can endure it.

We often work while sick, carrying the burden of suffering. Even though our bodies are uncomfortable, we keep going on. This doesn't mean that we are without suffering; it's just that the suffering isn't severe enough to bring us down completely, which would be too much to bear.

This is a very interesting formula of psychological mechanism that can be applied to ourselves for observing the essence of our happiness. Only by truly understanding the nature of suffering and happiness can we attain genuine peace in mind.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023