@易明之光 2023-07-20 字数 444 阅读 0

面对未知的正确心态 The Right Attitude Towards the Unknown

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

Many people do not believe or acknowledge things they cannot see, even if they are real facts. For example, ghosts and deities are considered "non-existent" because they have never been seen. They might say, "I have never seen an Arhat or a Buddha, so it's all superstitious beliefs."

Many others say, "Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are merely beautiful wishes imagined in your minds. Concepts like the Pure Land and Heaven are all non-existent." How do you know they don't exist? What evidence do you have? None!

Not believing or acknowledging something simply because one has not seen it is an unscientific mindset. Wise individuals, when faced with things they haven't seen, would suspend judgment and at most say, "I haven't seen this, so I can't say whether it exists or not. I can only say 'I don't know.' One cannot claim 'it doesn't exist' just because one has never seen it."

There are many things we haven't seen or can't see, are they non-existent? Therefore, one can only say, "I don't know if they exist," which is an objective attitude. The same applies to reincarnation.

There was a frog that lived at the bottom of a well, born and raised within the well. Did it have knowledge of the outside world? It had never seen it, but can it claim that it doesn't exist? At most, it could say, "I haven't seen the outside world. What could it be like?" That's the objective approach.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023