@易明之光 2023-07-24 字数 2655 阅读 0

坏人变好人的第一步 The First Step in Turning a Bad Person into a Good Person

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

Yesterday, we talked about the progressive stages of generating Bodhicitta; there is definitely a progressive process in developing Bodhicitta. If someone has never cultivated Bodhicitta in past lives or in this lifetime, it is not possible for them to directly generate Bodhicitta.

Even if someone had achieved a certain level of accomplishment in cultivating Bodhicitta in past lives, due to the confusion of rebirth, they still need to begin the practice from the initial stages. However, their progress may be faster, and they can swiftly start at the stage of "knowing the mother" [recognizing that all sentient beings have been our mothers].

In fact, "knowing the mother" is a very challenging task, while "recollection of kindness" [retrospect mother's kindness] is relatively easier. For most people, the second step of "recollection of kindness" is somewhat easier, but there are a few individuals for whom even recollecting kindness is difficult, and that is due to their own personal circumstances and karma.

The beginning of all our kind intentions and practices is recollection of kindness. Whether it's Confucian culture or any other culture, including Christianity that I have studied. My mother has been a Christian for several decades, and gratitude is the most important aspect for Christians. Cultivating a grateful mind is the same in any religion, including our Confucian culture.

The beginning of a person's kind intentions is gratitude. Look at all sentient beings; they continuously experience falling into the hell. When a very selfish and negative being comes out from hell, how can we help them turn away from their self-centered and self-seeking mindset and cultivate a kind and benevolent heart? It is through gratitude, as gratitude is where it all begins.

Gratitude is the first step in cultivating kind mind and benevolent thoughts. No matter who you are grateful to, it is essential to be grateful.

In this Dharma-ending age, not to mention ordinary sentient beings, even most Buddhists nowadays lack a sufficient grateful mind. We often criticize others for being ungrateful, but in reality, every one of us tends to forget gratitude because of our inherent selfishness.

When others show kindness to you, for example, when you urgently need money and someone lends you ten thousand or twenty thousand bucks, you express deep gratitude, saying, "Thank you so much, thank you!" However, after a month or two when it's time to repay, you refuse to do so and become angry when asked for the money back.

You promised to pay it back, but you don't follow through, and when others ask you for the money, you become displeased and say, "What's wrong with this person? I don't even have the money, and yet, they still ask me for it." In your heart, you feel unhappy.

When one is asked to pay back the money, very few people will feel happy, and very few will feel ashamed. Instead, they may try to explain or, if they genuinely don't have the money, they should at least give the person a promise, as a borrower. It should be like this.

From this perspective, a person's heart of gratitude is easily forgotten, that's why it's called "Wang En" (forgetting kindness). At the time, one may feel grateful, but after a while, that sense of gratitude fades away, and the kindness is forgotten. People are prone to easily forget such kindness.

For instance, the kindness of parents, especially a mother's kindness, is immense. However, people nowadays are prone to forgetting such kindness; it is quite easy for them to forget. Of course, children may not understand this fully.

During childhood, a mother's kindness is immense. Not to mention the ten months of pregnancy, she feeds you from the moment you are born. Even toddlers have memories, and as they are continuously cared for and fed, they learn to call "mommy" and experience tender care as they grow from one to two years old.

During childhood, they still remember that if their mother leaves, they will cry because their parents are their only reliance. When they lose their parents, young children cry uncontrollably; for them, parents are like their world, and if they are gone, it feels like their world has collapsed.

For toddlers, this is their one and biggest safety net, their sole reliance. When you were young, you knew this even at a few years old, but as you grew up, you completely forgot all these kindnesses. Can you still remember that your parents were your only reliance when you were little?

In this lifetime, it is very difficult for you to fully pay back the kindness you have received, unless you guide them to the Pure Land. That means to repay the kindness of your parents in this current life is not something easily achievable.

However, all living beings are easily ungrateful, often overlooking the kindness we have received. Can you recall how much kindness your parents have shown you? Many of us have forgotten much of it; that's the nature of sentient beings.

Why were people in the past so filial? It's because they didn't forget kindness; they remembered. From a young age, they remembered the kindness their parents showed them, and the heart of gratitude was there. The filial piety of people in the past, of course, is partly influenced by education, but for some individuals, it is inherent in their nature, and they naturally become filial.

We all know about Venerable Xuanhua; he was incredibly filial. In his era, he probably didn't receive much formal education, and his level of literacy might not have been very high. He likely didn't have much education when he was young, and his parents passed away early. However, his filial piety was unparalleled and beyond comparison with ordinary people.

He observed filial mourning for three years, living in a thatched hut in front of his parents' graves for the entire duration. People in ancient times truly could accomplish such deeds; during those three years, he genuinely felt a profound sorrow, not simply following a superficial formality.

Later generations, influenced by Confucian culture, may have performed formal rituals and gestures beautifully, but they lacked genuine sorrow for their parents from the depths of their hearts. This genuine sorrow is not for show; it comes from within.

Building a thatched hut and living there for three years is not about showing off to others, saying, "Oh, this is a filial child." It's not about seeking fame for oneself. True filial piety comes from within; it's something that people can genuinely achieve. It arises from a deeply grateful mind, as only with a strong sense of gratitude can one accomplish such a feat.

In Chinese culture, there is also a saying, "When someone offers you a drop of water, you should repay them with a gushing spring." This saying emphasizes the importance of not forgetting the kindness shown by others.

A person who forgets kindness is undoubtedly ungrateful, and being ungrateful means being selfish. Why is that? Because when you forget the kindness shown by others, all you think about is your own interests. You become self-centered and driven by desires for personal gain and recognition.

If you do not think about repaying the kindness shown by others and you forget about it, it's like doing business. Someone gives you something on credit, and when the time comes to repay, you don't return the money. That's simply how it works.

You buy goods on credit today, but after a few days, you don't want to pay back the money anymore. You don't want to give the money back; it feels a bit like in a business situation.

Some people are like this: they borrow things from others, keep them in their own rooms for a while, and then they become unwilling to return them. They even start feeling like those things belong to them. When you ask them to give it back, they feel unhappy. Although they might not directly refuse, they may even claim they have lost or misplaced the item to deceive others.

Of course, some people may still return the item to you, but they will feel uncomfortable in their hearts. They might think, "Why should I...?" It's as if after borrowing it for a while, the item becomes theirs, and they no longer want to return it. There are many people like this who simply forget to return what they borrowed.

Forgetting to return what you borrowed is a form of ingratitude. If you forget to return something, you are also forgetting the kindness shown to you. No matter how busy you are, you should never forget. You should always remember to return what you borrowed. It's okay to temporarily forget for a day or two, but you can't keep forgetting indefinitely. If you constantly forget, it indicates a problem with your character and integrity.

I believe that a person with good character will feel deeply grateful when borrowing something from others. After using it, they will return it with heartfelt appreciation. This is a reflection of one's virtue. It might seem simple, but it's incredibly significant—a fundamental aspect of good character that holds great importance.

It may seem like nothing much, saying, "I just borrowed this small thing from you, what's the big deal? Why bother returning it, it's not a big deal." They might think, "You're so wealthy, you're already a billionaire, what difference does it make to lend me a little money?"

If they feel like there's no need to return it, and they might think, "You are so wealthy, why should I bother returning this little bit of money?" They may have such thoughts. Do you think it's right for them to think like this? What does it matter to you if others are wealthy? For example, if the other person is a billionaire and they ask to borrow a few thousand bucks, they may feel like there's no need to repay it, and they might even think, "You are so wealthy; you should give me some to spend."

Such attitudes in people are all incorrect; they reflect an ungrateful heart. Some may even harbor a resentment towards the wealthy. When they see someone who is wealthy, they might feel that if you don't lend them money, you are a bad person. However, if you do lend them some money, they might consider it as something they deserve.

In the Dharma-ending age, people are increasingly moving in this direction. For such individuals, it is nearly impossible to guide them to learn Buddhism. However, even in the Buddhist community, there are people with such attitudes, and there are many instances of this phenomenon.

A heart of gratitude is the beginning of all compassion, regardless of which religion or field of study. All teachings start with gratitude.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023