@易明之光 2023-07-27 字数 431 阅读 0

老好人,其实就是自私 Goody-Two-Shoes: Actually Selfish

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

Confucius said: "The 'conventional townsman' (Xiang Yuan) is a thief of virtue." Here XIANG means common folks, and YUAN means cautious and rules-following.

The so-called "conventional townsman" refers to a "goody-two-shoes, " They are like a "fence-sitter" or a hypocrite.

The reason for becoming a "conventional townsman" is actually to avoid getting into any trouble and not hesitating to compromise one's conscience to maintain social relationships.

In essence, it is selfishness.

People who are "conventional townsmen" have a certain social influence and public opinion ability, possess a certain arbitration authority, but lack the corresponding moral qualities for their position.

They do not pursue justice or uphold principles; instead, they constantly adopt a compromising approach, being versatile, opportunistic, pandering to different sides, and acting wisely to safeguard one's own interests. They appear loyal and incorruptible, but in reality, they simply go with the flow, catering to popular opinion and seeking personal advantage. They embody the notion of "holding a position but not seeking to fulfill its responsibilities" and demonstrate a lack of action.

They obliterate right and wrong, confuse good and evil, fail to uphold justice, and do not resist bad people or bad actions. Therefore, Confucius regarded these conventional townsmen who usurp the positions of virtuous individuals as people with corrupt morals.

He arrogantly regards himself as a person with virtue, yet not only fails to practice virtuous deeds but also confuses the concept of virtue, tarnishing the true principles and marginalizing genuine virtuous people and actions. "The consequences are extremely severe, and the impact is particularly detrimental."

This kind of pseudo-virtuous and disorderly-in-virtue vote-seeker is truly a "thief" of virtue. People must distinguish and discern them.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023