@易明之光 2023-09-01 字数 415 阅读 0

如何识人?How to Understand People

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

To observe and select talents, one must first possess wisdom and the ability to be objective rather than subjective. Treat everyone equally, without bias. This way, you can impartially observe who possesses talent, without relying on those who flatter or show favoritism to superiors while being harsh on others.

Understanding others primarily involves four aspects:


  1. Listen: Listen to what they say. By listening to their words, you can discern their mindset—whether they exhibit wisdom or compassion.


  1. Inquire: Engage in thorough communication with them to gain a detailed understanding.


  1. Probe: Test their aspirations and virtues. Sometimes, assign them tasks or pose questions to gauge their reactions, which can swiftly reveal their character.


  1. Observe: Observe their foundation and capabilities. Observation is from a distance, objectively observing; this is distinct from probing, which involves direct interaction. Observation is from afar, taking an objective bystander's perspective.

To understand talents and select those capable of assuming great responsibilities, you must approach from these four aspects.

However, this is not easy. Firstly, you must possess virtue, be forgiving, and have a generous heart. If you are narrow-minded, it's impossible for you to accurately understand others.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023