@易明之光 2023-09-02 字数 648 阅读 0

说话的艺术 The Art of Communication

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

Excerpt from Precious Teachings of the Chan Monastery 07

There is such a story. Once upon a time, there was a highly respected old Zen master. Many people sought his advice due to his reputation. The old Zen master treated some of his visitors very rudely, not showing them a good face, while he treated others kindly and warmly, treating them like honored guests.

The old Zen master's attendant was quite curious and asked, "Why do you treat people who come to seek wisdom so differently and unequally?"

The old Zen master chuckled and said, "When faced with individuals of integrity and moral character who have the potential for greatness, although my heart is filled with joy, I don't indulge them. Instead, I refrain from being overly accommodating. I correct some of their words and point out even the slightest mistakes and faults to help them grow.

As for those who are unteachable and inclined towards wickedness and flattery, I choose to treat them with kindness. If I were to point out their flaws, they would only harbor resentment. I can't help such individuals. Therefore, with these people, it's better to keep a friendly distance and let them be pleased."

So, communication is an art, and we should use different approaches for different people. Even with the same person, we need to adjust our speaking attitude based on their different emotional states.

If he's in a good state, feeling happy, you can seize the opportunity, tease him a bit, or challenge him a little, and he'll feel like "you're helping me," feeling a mix of pain and pleasure. But if he's not in a good mood, feeling upset or annoyed, you need to be gentle with him. If you challenge him in this state, he might become more upset and say, "Why are you being so harsh on me, why aren't you being nice?"

The same person, in different emotional states, will react differently to how you speak to them. Furthermore, some things you say over the phone or in a text message might make them angry or resistant, but if you say the same words in person, perhaps within the context of a situation, they might take it much more positively and even have a breakthrough in understanding.

Therefore, as a mentor or educator, one must seize the right moments, employ the correct methods, and guide in tune with the situation. When there's no opportunity, it's best not to speak carelessly or act as if one knows it all.

The wiser, more compassionate, and selfless you are, the better you can sense the emotions and state of others, and the more effectively you can seize the right moments to offer advice.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023