@易明之光 2023-12-24 字数 1542 阅读 0

母狼:写给中国所有父母 She-Wolf: To All the Parents in China

第五辑 生命教育 Volume 5: Life Education

A friend's child has graduated from college for half a year but hasn’t started looking for a job, staying at home, sleeping during the day, surfing the Internet at night. Recently, he asked his parents for money and said he wanted to study abroad. My friend came to me and asked whether he should let him go.

I looked at his gray hair and said, "If you truly want the best for your child, let him go, but don't give him money."

I thought of my brother-in-law's story.

He had always yearned for the outside world since his childhood. After graduating from high school, he first went to Alaska to work to save money in logging. However, his parents didn't give him money, and he didn't ask for it.

阿拉斯加夏天日照很长, 太阳到午夜才落下,三点多又升上来了,他一天如果工作16个小时,伐一季木的工资可以让他环游世界。
In Alaska, the summer days are long, with the sun setting around midnight and rising again at three in the morning. If he worked 16 hours a day for a season, the earnings would allow him to travel around the world.

After traveling the world for two years, he returned to university to pursue his studies. Since he chose the major after careful consideration, he completed the credits for a four-year program in three years. Upon graduating, he entered the workforce.

His career progressed smoothly, and it can be said that he ascended quickly through the ranks, eventually becoming the chief engineer.

One time, my brother-in-law told me a little story, saying that the incident had a profound impact on his entire life.

While working in Alaska on a mountain, he and a friend once heard a wolf howling, they searched around nervously, then found that it was a female wolf caught in a trap with her feet, howling in distress.

He knew that the trap belonged to an elderly worker who engaged in trapping as a hobby, selling furs to supplement his income. However, due to a heart attack, the old man had been airlifted to the Anchorage Hospital for emergency treatment. With no one to attend to it, the mother wolf was at risk of starving to death.

He wanted to free the she-wolf, but she was so aggressive, and he could not get closer. Upon closer inspection, he noticed the she-wolf was lactating, indicating the presence of wolf cubs in a den. With great effort, he and his companion managed to locate the den and bring the four wolf cubs to their mother to feed, preventing them from starving.

He shared his food with the mother wolf to sustain her life. He even camped near the mother wolf at night to protect this wolf family, as the mother wolf was trapped and was unable to defend herself.

When he went to feed her on the fifth day, he noticed a slight wagging of the mother wolf’s tail. He knew that he had started to gain her trust. After another three days, the mother wolf finally allowed him to approach closely enough to release the trap and set her free.

Once she was freed, the mother wolf licked his hand and allowed him to apply medicine to her injured foot. Then, with her four wolf cubs, she walked away, looking back at him frequently as they departed.

He sat on a large rock, pondering: If humans can make fierce wild wolves lick their hands and become friends, can't we convince another person to set aside their weapons and become friends?

他决定以后先对别人表现诚意,因为从这件事中看到,先释放出诚意,对方一定会以诚相报。 从此,他在公司中以诚待人,每年都升一级,进步得很快。最重要的是,他每天都过得很充实快乐。
He decided that in the future, he would first show sincerity to others because, from this experience, he saw that by extending genuine goodwill, the other party would surely respond in kind. From then on, he treated colleagues with sincerity in the company, and as a result, he received a promotion every year, progressing rapidly. What’s most important is that he lives a joyous life every day.

He said those who help others are even happier than those who are helped. My brother-in-law told me that he is always grateful for the Alaska experience because it has been invaluable throughout his life.

Indeed, frosted persimmons are the sweetest, just like people mature through trials and learn to cherish what truly matters.

Therefore, if someone graduates from college without knowing what they want, they should be exposed to the outside world, where they can self-reliantly face challenges.

Nowadays, many families pamper and indulge their children, holding them so carefully as if they were afraid they might fall, cherishing them as if they were afraid they might melt in their mouths. When parents wish to give all the good things and all the love in the world to their children, they often forget to tell them one crucial message: the hardships of life are beyond imagination.

父母的过度“呵护”,对于孩子们来说,无疑是一味“毒药”啊。 孩子们心安理得享受着一切,根本不知道知足、感恩和体贴父母,更不知道生活的不容易。相反,还滋生了很多的虚荣、懒惰的坏毛病。
The excessive "care" from parents is undoubtedly a kind of "poison" for children. Children, who enjoy everything without understanding contentment, gratitude, and consideration for their parents, are often unaware of the difficulties of life. On the contrary, this excessive pampering tends to foster vanity and laziness and cultivate habits in the process.

As parents, most wish to shield their children from life's hardships, remove all obstacles from their path, and provide them with a safe and joyful life.

However, fate is unpredictable, and the world is full of uncertainties. Parents cannot be a lifelong crutch for their children. Letting go of children, allowing them to experience and grow, fostering the strength to withstand life's challenges, and equipping them with the wisdom and capability to lead their own lives, is the wisest choice for parents.

Liang Qichao once said, "As long as one can sustain life materially, it is sufficient. Whether one is happy or not is entirely beyond the control of material possessions. I think that ambitious children should always tread the path of hardship. Being able to find happiness in adversity is a true sign of resilience."

Material prosperity is only temporary, and parents cannot take care of their children forever. Providing a good living environment for children, it is not as valuable as letting them experience the challenges of life.

Parents should be willing to let go, and realize that the best protection for their children is not to overprotect. Giving them an opportunity to prove themselves and experience life, will provide them with invaluable experiences that will last a lifetime.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023