@易明之光 2023-12-24 字数 613 阅读 0

一个儿童教育家的成功经验 The Success Experience of a Child Educator

第五辑 生命教育 Volume 5: Life Education

Educating a child should involve slow and gradual guidance based on their foundation and talents.

In terms of acquiring knowledge and skills, if a child's foundation and talents in a particular area are average or even poor, but parents impose high demands and standards, forcing the child to learn, the child may experience constant frustration, lose confidence, and develop feelings of inferiority. Gradually, the child may become disinterested in learning, give up internally, resist passively, and the parent-child relationship may drift apart, even leading to resentment.

When they grow up, even though they may address you as mom and dad, deep inside, they have long forgotten your kindness, and their filial piety toward you remains only superficial. Just like how you were to them in the past, they might sometimes give you a hard time, even scold you, and in extreme cases, they might even resort to physical aggression. This is a significant matter that every parent should deeply reflect upon!

In terms of language development, almost all children exhibit the greatest talent and interest between the ages of three and twelve. During this period, it is crucial to guide them to listen to and memorize a variety of books.

Additionally, in terms of moral education, the younger the child, the easier it is to teach. It's like planting a tree – if a sapling is crooked, it's easy to straighten; however, as the children grow older, it becomes more difficult, and stubborn habits set in. What do we mean by stubborn habits? When it becomes hard to change, it is considered stubborn.

From a young age (around three years old), we should skillfully guide them to correct their own mistakes. Let them know that making mistakes will result in criticism and punishment. When they make corrections and show improvement, provide encouragement and rewards, cultivating a sense of joy in their progress. Then, gently and patiently guide them to take the next step.

As they continue to improve, they will experience a sense of achievement. Gradually, guide them step by step, making them more willing to correct their mistakes. When they feel that correcting their mistakes is a joyful experience, your education has succeeded; this is true success in education.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023