@易明之光 2023-12-24 字数 614 阅读 0

最好的胎教——怎样才能生一个德行好、福报大的孩子?The Best Prenatal Education - How to Raise A Child with Good Moral Character and Great Blessings?

第五辑 生命教育 Volume 5: Life Education

摘自认识菩提心 01
Excerpt from Understanding the Bodhicitta 01

During pregnancy, many expectant mothers play music for the unborn child, but in reality, the fetus cannot hear the music; it hears the sounds of the mother's digestive system processing food inside her intestines. Prenatal education is not about having the fetus listen to music but about having the mother listen to music.

This is because the mother's mindset creates a magnetic field that can influence the fetus. If the mother maintains a positive mindset, her magnetic field will envelop the fetus, and the child in the womb will be exposed to a positive influence, leading to a better outcome after birth.

In fact, true prenatal education doesn't start during pregnancy; the most crucial period for prenatal education is before conception. Educating parents beforehand allows them to cultivate a positive mindset, ensuring that the child born will be a good one.

In Buddhist tradition, there is a true story from the 4th to 5th century in North India about a devout Brahmin woman who believed in Mahayana Buddhism. Unable to bear witnessing the decline of Mahayana Buddhism, she fervently prayed to Buddhas from all directions in her heart, 'May I give birth to two sons who will propagate Mahayana Buddhism!' Later, she indeed gave birth to two sons— the renowned Bodhisattva Asanga and Bodhisattva Vasubandhu in the history of Buddhism.

Of course, the mother of Bodhisattva Asanga and Bodhisattva Vasubandhu was originally a virtuous practitioner of high moral character. For us ordinary people, the aim could be to at least give birth to healthy and blessed children. By cultivating good moral conduct and generating positive intentions and thoughts, couples can create a conducive environment for the birth of a virtuous child.

For example, if the mother has a broad mind, loves helping others, and is generous and giving before pregnancy, this mindset of generosity can attract virtuous and blessed children to be conceived. Such children are naturally intelligent and kind, making parenting easier for the parents.

Therefore, prenatal education is not about educating the fetus, but educating the parents.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023