@易明之光 2024-09-03 字数 2065 阅读 0

我要让世界因我而美丽 May the World Be Beautiful Because of Me

第六辑 灌注正能量 Volume 6: Infusing Positive Energy

I know I didn't come to this world by chance; I came here willingly, to continue the great, beautiful, and selfless dreams of my past life. I came to cultivate myself through various ups and downs, joys and sorrows, thereby achieving perfection, growth, and elevation.

I came because I love this world. Therefore, I will embrace this world with absolute love and make it more beautiful with absolute love.

I deeply understand that material possessions cannot make the world beautiful; only virtue, wisdom, and love can. Material possessions cannot save humanity; only virtue, wisdom, and love can.

May the world be beautiful because of me!

I know that all my strengths stem from the excellence of my parents and ancestors, but they are not assets for me to boast or be selfish about. They are tools bestowed upon me by God and my ancestors to benefit sentient beings; they are the means for me to demonstrate the greatness, beauty, and selflessness of life.

I know that my flaws and shortcomings are not my own choice. Rather, that's because I was born from parents who had flaws and shortcomings. However, I know that I chose such parents myself. I chose them because I wished to learn and grow with them in this world.
So, I don't resist these flaws; I fully accept them. I will make amends through repentance, patience, and effort in this lifetime.

I'd like to say to my parents: Mom and Dad, I came to be with you in the hope of helping you change, and also hoping that you can accept and be patient with me. From today on, I will no longer expect you to be perfect, and I hope that you will not expect me to be perfect as well. I am a part of you, and we are one. Let's change together, for change is power! Let's make life beautiful with patience, let's make the world beautiful with love!

I am responsible for my own life. I know it is myself that mainly determines my life.
There is no fate, only choice—choosing my thoughts, words, and actions.
There is no fate, only creation—creating the joy, beauty, and wonder of life!
Fate is a path connected by countless choices; it is the sum accumulated from continuous creation.

I live in this world to change it. I know that love is the source of all creation. Today, I will treat every person, every thing, every blade of grass, every stone... with wholehearted love. I will embrace the bright future with wholehearted love!

Every life is composed of body, brain, and mind. Just like a gift, what's inside is more precious than what's outside, and the content is more valuable than the packaging. What my brain contains is more precious than my physical appearance and attire, and the virtues, breadth, wisdom, and state of my mind are more precious than what's in my brain! Therefore, I should value the purification and elevation of my mind.

From today on, I will soar high with my dreams, and live and learn positively and optimistically.

God has never predetermined what my life should be like, nor have my country, parents, or teachers. Nothing predetermines what I can or cannot do, or what kind of person I must or must not be. God has entrusted me with all agency. He never controls or determines me. He lets me decide my own dreams, and then helps me compassionately and selflessly.

Just as the heavens and earth never decide what will grow in a piece of land. When a farmer plants an apple seed, the heavens and earth will use all their power to help him grow apples; when a farmer plants a pepper seed, the heavens and earth will use all their power to help him grow peppers.

I know how important my dreams are. They are like seeds. Whatever my dreams are, God will help me.
If I am the seed of grass, the heavens and earth will help me become a blade of grass;
If I am the seed of a flower, the heavens and earth will help me bloom into a flower;
If I am the seed of a cedar, the heavens and earth will help me grow into a towering tree.
May I become the most beautiful seed in the world, making the world beautiful because of me!

I know that my mind is a transmitter. Every thought in my mind will be transmitted to the entire universe like a radio signal, thus affecting the entire universe, exerting a positive or negative influence on everything. As a result, I will receive a reaction, which is known as karma.

I know that where my mind is, there my destiny lies; what my mind is, so is my destiny.
So, from today on, I will influence the world with the infinite creativity in my mind!

I also know that the world is the projection of my mind, just as a movie is the projection of a disc. All the ups and downs in my life are the illusions manifested by my karma. It reflects what I am. The world is like my mirror.
I will change the world by changing myself, making the world beautiful because of me!

I know that life is the greatest treasure given to me by God, and I am the greatest miracle of nature.

Once, a kind person gave two beggars a humble house and a piece of empty land in spring. However, in autumn, one lazy beggar died impoverished and sick, while the other diligent beggar became wealthy and lived happily.

In the universe, every soul is a beggar, wandering around. God is the kind person, providing me with my humble house and boundless empty land. That humble house is my imperfect body, while that empty land is my boundless soul.

I know that as long as I diligently sow the seeds of wisdom and love, there will surely be abundant fruits in the future.
From this moment on, I will look into the future with infinite confidence!

I know that the most precious and powerful thing in life is the soul, while the nourishment and support of the soul is faith. So, from now on, I will establish my life principles, elevate them to beliefs, and further elevate them to faith.
I know that when my life begins to rely on an extraordinary and perfect faith, my life will naturally become extraordinary and perfect!

In this life, I will spread my beautiful and steadfast faith to those who are lost, so that they too may awaken and become great!
I will bring joy to those who are suffering, leading them to happiness!
I will bring wisdom and truth to those in darkness, guiding them back to light!
This drives me to learn, grow, endure hardship, and persevere!

With hope and dreams in my heart, I wish to bloom like a flower and make my life soar.
May the world be beautiful because of me!
May the world be beautiful because of me!
May the world be beautiful because of me!

易明之光 Mini读书@2023