@易明之光 2024-09-03 字数 803 阅读 0

慈悲能量 The Energy of Compassion

第六辑 灌注正能量 Volume 6: Infusing Positive Energy

Now, let's begin to visualize that Shakyamuni Buddha gradually comes from heaven, transforms into a beam of light, and merges from our heads into our hearts.

Now, please gently recite with me: Thriving green bamboos are nothing but wisdom; flourishing yellow flowers are all Dharmakaya.
The Buddha said, the wisdom and virtues of the Buddha are present in all sentient beings. Every life has infinite power, compassion, and wisdom.
No matter how sinful one is, there is always goodness and beauty in their heart, shining with pure spiritual light.

The Buddha said: the principle of causality is infallible, and the law of karma never goes wrong. Everything is a result of one's own actions.
We understand that all troubles and obstacles in life are caused by ignorance and desire. Once we generate genuine Bodhicitta, everything is the best arrangement.
All suffering and setbacks we endure have their special reasons. They are all arranged by Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Dharma protectors. Therefore, we feel honored and joyful.

Whenever we feel ups and downs in our hearts, our inner wisdom will guide us to introspect, helping us to realize our blind spots and problems.

We are willing to bravely face and properly deal with the problems in our interpersonal relationships. We won't escape anymore. We are willing to change.

Whenever someone is unkind to us, we should realize that it's definitely because we are not compassionate, skillful, open, and accepting enough towards them.

Whenever someone criticizes, slanders, misunderstands, attacks, or defames us, we should realize that it's definitely the karmic wheel of retribution turning toward us. We must still have inherent life patterns such as jealousy, arrogance, and self-righteousness that need to be repented.
We should be grateful to them, because they reflect our negative karma and cultivate our patience.

We empathize with the three types of suffering and afflictions of sentient beings, and we make our hearts more tender and tolerant.
We believe that our sincerity and compassion will dissolve all enmity, attacks, resentment, and retaliation.
We empathize with the stubbornness and confusion of sentient beings, and we make our hearts more confident and expansive.
We believe that our wisdom and light will illuminate all darkness and ignorance.

We are willing to completely forgive, be grateful, and let go.
We are willing to bravely take on responsibility and change.
There is a new, growing power within us. Everything shall become harmonious and perfect.

Alright, please follow my guidance to meditate. Immerse your mind in this state and continuously contemplate these teachings to purify your mind.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023