@易明之光 2024-09-03 字数 1226 阅读 0

宽恕祈祷文 Prayer for Forgiveness

第六辑 灌注正能量 Volume 6: Infusing Positive Energy

In the present moment, we are facing our inner selves, unrelated to others.
Till today, what has hurt us is actually our own attachment to this world.
At this moment, contemplate: Let our heart be completely open, and let the pure and kind you within, that forgiving, free, and brave heart, emerge.

My heart is willing to forgive.
My heart is willing to forgive.
My heart is willing to forgive.

Please give my heart enough strength, so that it can treat my parents, spouse, friends, brothers, sisters, and children with love and kindness.

Please give my heart enough strength to become soft and open, so that it can empathize with the sorrows and sufferings of others, understand those who have hurt me in the past, and accept those who have caused me to suffer.

In fact, their hearts must be scarred too. They have also experienced deep suffering and torments, harboring seeds of anger and depression. They harbor resentment for the unfair treatment they have received in the past. They project their own suffering outward, causing those around them to suffer together. However, no matter what, they also long for understanding and love, just like us.

My heart knows that love and forgiveness are the most important lessons in life. My heart is willing to open up and pass on love and forgiveness to those who have hurt me.

When my heart chooses to forgive, I will feel surrounded and filled with divine and warm love. I will have support and security, feeling incredibly relaxed and free, experiencing true peace and joy.

Love does not condemn, love does not hate. Love is unconditional, love holds no grudges.
We are all brothers and sisters in life. Our lives are interconnected. We are all striving to understand love.

My heart is willing to completely release, letting go of all negative and destructive thoughts projected onto me by others in the past.
My heart will strive not to repeat previous wrong patterns, but instead, to fully dissolve and release all negative thought frequencies that stray from love.

In the past, due to not understanding the truth of love, I've hurt myself and others.
Now, I forgive and accept myself, completely forgiving past mistakes and letting go of guilt. I forgive myself for the suffering and harm caused to myself and others at any time, any space in the past, due to my ignorance and confusion. My heart seeks acceptance, forgiveness, and release.

I will learn to see each person from a completely new perspective.
I understand that our minds are pure and perfect by nature, and I will no longer be bound by feelings of guilt.

From today on, my heart harbors no more anger or blame, only love and understanding.
When greed arises in my heart, I will see it, accept it, and have confidence in changing it;
When resentment arises in my heart, I will see it, accept it, and have confidence in changing it;
When the desire for control arises in my heart, I will see it, accept it, and have confidence in changing it;
When fear arises in my heart, I will see it, accept it, and have confidence in changing it.
My heart is increasingly able to accept itself, see itself, and be mindful of itself.

When interacting with others, I can feel my lack of compassion and empathy.
I can feel that my heart is not soft enough and I'm prone to arguing with others.
I can feel that I'm narrow-minded and reluctant to praise others.
I can feel that I'm caught up in attachment, insisting on this or that.
I can feel that I'm prone to competing with others and finding fault in others.
I can feel these obstacles that make my heart feel uncomfortable.

My heart can let go of things it tightly clings to. My heart can learn to relax a little more, to open up a little more.
Towards life, people, and everything, my heart becomes more relaxed and less attached day by day, and carefully refrains from projecting arbitrarily. My heart becomes softer and more loving day by day!
Strength lies in my heart. When my heart decides to change, strength will emerge.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023