@易明之光 2023-09-03 字数 1319 阅读 0

1-4 人类的能量状态会相互影响 Our Energy Levels Can Influence Each Other

第七辑 心灵能量层级 Volume 7: Energy Levels in Spiritual Practice

The spiritual energy of a few individuals can cancel out the negative energy of the majority of people.

The term "cancel out" may not be accurate here. In fact, his energy field can influence those with negative energy, thereby preventing their energy from continuously declining, and helping them maintain or even elevate their energy levels.

Without individuals with such exceptionally high energy fields supporting all beings on Earth, some people would drop rapidly.

So, actually, this is not canceling out; to be more accurate, it's a kind of blessing. Because with the presence of his energy field, he is like positive energy, blessing those with negative energy, preventing them from declining, and even helping them elevate.

If you learn from him and stay close to him, your energy will also boost. Therefore, we should positively influence those who share karmic connections with us and raise their energy states.

In human society, the energy of the high-energy minority is equivalent to the collective energy of the low-energy majority.
Well, this is not a regular comparison. Here is some data available for reference. Let me read it.

An individual with an energy level of 300 is equivalent to 90,000 individuals with energy levels below 200;
For example, if your energy level is 180, then the collective energy of 90,000 individuals like you is equivalent to the energy of an individual with a level of 300.

An individual with an energy level of 400 is equivalent to 400,000 individuals with energy levels below 200.
I think his point is that an individual with an energy level of 400 can influence 400,000 people, so that they won't decline. His energy is so high that he can generate such great influence to bless 400,000 people.

An individual with an energy level of 500 is equivalent to 750,000 individuals with energy levels below 200.
If your energy level can truly reach 500, you will be so influential and broad-minded, thus you will be able to spiritually connect to and influence so many people.

An individual with an energy level of 600 is equivalent to 10,000,000 individuals with energy levels below 200;
In other words, you can influence ten million people.

An individual with an energy level of 700 is equivalent to 70,000,000 individuals with energy levels below 200.
Very few people in the world can reach an energy level of 700.

What's more amazing is that as long as there is a being on Earth with a spiritual energy level of 1000, his positive energy can dissolve the negative energy of all humanity. He can bless all humanity on Earth. Only religious leaders like Buddha and Jesus can achieve this. He not only embraces humanity but also blesses all living beings on Earth.

His bodhicitta is well-cultivated, and it's not just a mere intention, but has already been cultivated to perfection — he has attained the perfection of generosity, the perfection of patience, ... and even the perfection of wisdom. His energy is expansive. He can support those with negative energy and support all beings on Earth, preventing them from declining.

However, influenced by devils, a small number of beings will fall into the realms of hell or hungry ghosts. They are declining. When the energy declines to the bottom, one will undoubtedly end up in hell. Hell beings have the lowest energy level.

Here, it said that 12 individuals with an energy level of 700 is equivalent to an individual with an energy level of 1000.

Only world-class spiritual masters like Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Jesus, and Laozi can reach 1000, that is, perfection. Ordinary spiritual masters may reach a level between 700 to 900.

Amazingly, in every successive era over the past thousands of years, there were masters with a high spiritual energy level of 1000 on Earth.
It means that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have always been around. Only in special circumstances would they find it hard to support. Nowadays, the world is over-populated with too much negative energy; humanity is declining.

If the average energy level on Earth is below 200, there will be catastrophe soon. Through the catastrophe, humanity will witness impermanence and feel fear, which will drive them to learn Buddhism.

In fact, most people initially start to learn Buddhism due to fear — fearing death and suffering. Who doesn't fear that? Because of the fear of death and suffering, people turn to Buddhism. This is the initial motivation for most people who start learning Buddhism, without exception. It's the same for us.

However, for those with better faculties, after gradually understanding the law of cause and effect, their motivation is no longer fear; it could be a yearning for a higher level of inner peace and freedom.

Having tasted the benefits, they realize that spiritual practice brings more freedom and less suffering to the mind. As a result, they will actively strive to improve themselves and overcome their negative state of mind.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023