@易明之光 2023-09-03 字数 469 阅读 0

2-3 持咒的前提是要有慈悲心 Compassion: The Prerequisite for Chanting Mantras

第七辑 心灵能量层级 Volume 7: Energy Levels in Spiritual Practice

Therefore, if you lack positive energy and compassion, then no matter what mantra you chant, you are going astray and will become a ghost.

Why shouldn't we chant Tantric mantras casually? Because we need to cultivate a truly compassionate, grateful, and open mind toward all sentient beings. Only then can you chant mantras, and the mantras will bless you and elevate your energy level.

We chant mantras in order to receive blessings from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

However, if you are filled with negative energy, then chanting mantras will not only fail to elevate you, but also further distort your mind, definitely.

Because mantras carry energy. If you infuse negative energy into mantras, won't they distort your mind? You will become distorted and gradually be possessed by devils without even realizing it.

There are even more Tantric practitioners possessed by devils, because they lack positive energy.

Why can't we chant mantras casually? Why should we keep the samaya vows before receiving the transmission of mantras? Because Buddhas and Bodhisattvas know that mantras shouldn't be casually transmitted.

Why is it called esoteric practice? Because if you lack bodhichitta and wisdom, you are not qualified to learn it, otherwise it will harm you.

Do Buddhas and Bodhisattvas not know that mantras carry great energy? Many people say, "This mantra is powerful, so I can chant it more." But actually, you are not even prepared.

If you are not prepared, then the more mantras you chant, the more distorted your mind will be, making it easier for negative thoughts to arise, while you may not even realize it.

This is what is pathetic above all, as you don't even realize that you are in a state of negative energy.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023