@易明之光 2023-09-17 字数 963 阅读 0

2-4 打坐不作打坐想 Meditate without thinking that you're meditating

第八辑 把心带回家 Volume 8: Bringing the Mind Home

Sometimes when we meditate, we don't use any particular method. Just as what I've said, "like pouring a handful of sand onto a flat surface".

Of course, when starting meditation, it's still necessary to use some methods, such as watching the breath. At the beginning, when the mind is distracted, you need to force yourself to watch your breath. Your mind follows each inhaling and exhaling, like sitting on your breath. Or you can chant a mantra or a Buddha's name. In each repetition, try to listen carefully, and distractions will gradually decrease.

When starting to practice meditation, it's necessary to use a method. As the meditator progresses and attains the initial stage of enlightenment, he no longer needs to rely on specific methods. He can simply abide in the state of selflessness, without any attachments or burdens, and without being attached to the act of meditation itself.

If you think "Well, now I'm going to enter into meditation!", you become attached, attached to entering meditation, and you can't enter into meditation. If you are attached to the act of meditation, you can't enter into a proper meditation state. These are subtle hindrances.

"Meditate without thinking that you're meditating." Let go of the idea that you are meditating.

If you think "I'm meditating, I want to enter into meditation", then the idea of meditation has become a real obstacle to entering into meditation. With a notion of self in your mind, the surrounding noise would disturb you, and even cause complaints.

When you meditate, there should be no effort to control and no attempt to be peaceful. If you think, "Oh, I'm meditating," then you have both the notion of self and the notion of meditation. These two notions will hold you back and prevent you from entering true Samadhi, which is a state without any hindrances.

You need wisdom to eradicate the notion of self. There should be no notion of self or notion of meditation. Just concentrate on your practice method.

This is pretty simple, just concentrate your mind. For example, if you chant "Amitabha Buddha", just concentrate on "A". At that moment, there should be no notion of self or notion of meditation. Just concentrate on chanting Amitabha Buddha.

Every time you chant, the character "A" should be heard clearly. Never miss any repetition or lose mindfulness. If there is any wandering thought, the character "A" can't be heard.

You're chanting orally, but your mind hasn't heard it. It hasn't passed through your mind, you're distracted by disturbing thoughts. Some people have been chanting "Amitabha Buddha" for a long time, but actually haven't heard a word at all. They are not concentrated, so the words just pass by their ears like the wind. Chanting in this way is useless.

If you are daydreaming, or even thinking of something else, something upset, or looking around while loudly chanting "Amitabha Buddha", it's useless.

When you begin to chant a Buddha's name, you need to chant till your mind is focused without distraction. This is still a rough form of meditation. It means that there shouldn't be any wandering thoughts during each chanting. This is a focused mind without distraction. It needs practice, this is the basic skill.

When you can often concentrate without distraction, you may gradually find that you can't even think of the Buddha's name anymore. You don't even know when you naturally stop chanting "Amitabha Buddha".

At that point, any attachments or burdens will be gone and you will have truly entered into meditation. So we should practice meditation, experience, and train ourselves more, to bring our mind home.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023