@易明之光 2023-11-02 字数 1089 阅读 0

11-5 全心全意地去修上师相应法 Practicing Guru Yoga With Full Devotion

第八辑 把心带回家 Volume 8: Bringing the Mind Home

What is a great spiritual practitioner? A person who lives always in the presence of his or her own true self, someone who has found and who uses continually the springs and sources of profound inspiration.
Don't live in your false self; live in your true self.
Someone who can find and use the springs of inspiration at any time.

诚如当代英国作家路易士·汤姆逊(Lewis Thompson)所说的:“基督,最伟大的诗人,如此热切地生活在真理之中,他的每个姿势当下就是清净的动作和圆满的符号,体现着超越世俗的真理。”
As the modern English writer Lewis Thompson wrote: "Christ, supreme poet, lived truth so passionately that every gesture of his, at once pure Act and perfect Symbol, embodies the transcendent."
This is praising Christ. Christ did have such great charm, which is why Christianity came into being. This is not an exaggeration.

As a great practitioner, he showed extraordinary and elegant demeanor. Every gesture was perfect, elegant, and transcendent. So, Jesus is not an ordinary being.

At the beginning, he was just a carpenter with no special background. How did he suddenly become the Son of God? In reality, he was not an ordinary being. He must have extraordinary wisdom and compassion, as well as a spiritual attainment beyond ordinary beings. Moreover, his great loving-kindness is calling you.

Practicing guru yoga is the fastest way, where you just imitate and copy. Of course, you need to have faith. When you have faith, then doing all your best to imitate and resonate with your guru is the fastest way.

If you keep even a little bit for yourself, then there will be a deviation. We should practice guru yoga completely without the notion of self; otherwise, you can't resonate with your guru, as you will keep your own views.

You should let go of your ego and resonate with your guru and the Three Jewels. Let go of your ego, open your heart completely, and resonate with Avalokiteshvara, your guru, and the Three Jewels. It will be fast.

Don't fear or worry, "Oh, I'm terrible, I'm probably hopeless in this lifetime...", constantly worrying and filled with negative emotions.

When you meditate, you should have faith, and resonate with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas through your guru. You should be courageous to make great aspirations, after which you will resonate with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

The wisdom of emptiness is not very difficult. By cultivating it continuously, you will gradually be able to experience the wisdom of emptiness of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. As long as you devote yourself to this practice, it's not difficult. It depends on how much effort you devote to it. If you are fully devoted, your will make swift progress.

We are not devoted enough, and we don't even know how much effort we've put in — maybe 10%, 20%, or 30%? If you are fully devoted, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. You will undoubtedly attain enlightenment swiftly.

We are not devoted enough. We only devote ourselves partially and don't have the courage to let go of our "self" completely, as we are haunted by fear.

Yesterday, someone said that during meditation, he felt like his legs disappeared and thus became fearful — feeling the absence of his legs made him afraid. Some individuals, upon feeling the absence of their body, become terrified and start looking for their "self".

In reality, the "self" doesn't exist. At that moment, your consciousness and sense of the body might temporarily disappear, thus you can't feel its presence.

We feel the existence of the body because there are always pains and sensations. When you meditate, sometimes you might feel no sensations in your nerves or body, and have a sense of tranquility. Alternatively, the gross sensations might disappear, thus you may feel that the body is absent. If you feel fear, it shows you lack wisdom.

We should earnestly study Dharma, as it is so good. Life without Dharma is meaningless, like living as a pig or a cow. Strictly speaking, it's no better than being a pig or a cow. Why?

Because pigs and cows don't create negative karma, and at least they have repaid many debts in their lifetime. However, it's not necessarily the case for us. In this lifetime, we may have created a lot of negative karma, so we may end up in a miserable way.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023