@易明之光 2023-12-31 字数 684 阅读 0

也谈知识和文化之差异 Discussing the Differences between Knowledge and Culture

第九辑 圣贤之音 - 文化与道德的乐章 Volume 9: Culture & Virtue - Echoes of the Sage

Excerpt from Lotus Wisdom 1

More than ten years ago, I unintentionally overheard someone describing the majority of Chinese people in the present day as having knowledge but lacking culture. Upon hearing this, I had some thoughts that I would like to share with everyone.

The so-called culture (Wen Hua in Chinese): Wen refers to language and writing; Hua refers to transformation and change.

Culture is the language or writing used to nurture and transform people's minds.

Culture encompasses ideas, customs, thoughts, art, religion, and more that have been passed down through generations within a particular nation. More specifically, culture is manifested in people's way of life, customs, psychological traits, aesthetic preferences, and value systems.

Culture can be categorized into traditional culture and modern culture, or as the distinction between mainstream culture and subcultures.

Culture possesses an ethnic nature. Each social form has a corresponding culture, and each culture evolves with the development of society. The continuity of social development determines the continuity and historical inheritance of culture.

The so-called knowledge (Zhi Shi in Chinese): Zhi refers to understanding and comprehension, while Shi refers to recognition, cognition, and identification.

Knowledge is the collective result of human understanding derived from social practice. It encompasses several major categories, such as scientific knowledge, technological knowledge, cultural knowledge, and historical knowledge. Scientific knowledge further includes natural sciences and social sciences.

Knowledge is not bound by any specific ethnicity; it is shared by all of humanity. Cultural knowledge refers to the understanding and recognition of culture, but it has not yet been accepted or embraced. It exerts a transformative influence on the human mind once it is accepted and embraced. At that point, knowledge transforms into culture.

For example, cultural knowledge of Buddhism refers to the understanding and recognition of Buddhist culture, but it has not yet been accepted or embraced. Once it is accepted and embraced, it exerts a transformative influence on people's minds, and at that point, Buddhist knowledge becomes Buddhist culture.

The key distinction between knowledge (Zhi Shi in Chinese) and culture (Wen Hua in Chinese) lies in "Shi" (recognizing) and "Hua" (transforming); the former involves recognition, while the latter involves transformation.

The pace of knowledge renewal is getting faster and faster, overwhelming and hard to keep up with. On the other hand, culture is not easily updated. Despite the thorough cleansing of the three major traditional cultures of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism after decades of upheaval, the cultural oases accumulated and passed down for thousands of years almost turned into a desert. However, now they are slowly reviving, just as the saying goes, "A wildfire may be extinguished, but spring breeze brings it to life again!"

易明之光 Mini读书@2023