@易明之光 2024-02-01 字数 1407 阅读 0

随学圣哲 找回初心 01 Follow the Sages and Rediscover Our Original Aspiration 01

第九辑 圣贤之音 - 文化与道德的乐章 Volume 9: Culture & Virtue - Echoes of the Sage

True Culture Should be Learned from the Books of Sages

Over the last 200 years, the modern material world has developed very well. While we have made significant material improvements, spiritually, we seem to have regressed rather than advanced as well.

Coming to the Earth, each of us should do something, not simply eat and wait to die. We shouldn't be like animals, only focused on eating and reproducing.

If we live solely for food, clothing, housing, transportation, and reproduction, and eventually perish in the rat race, what sets us apart from wild animals? There would be no distinction; we would merely be animals walking on two legs.

Many people nowadays, not even as good as wild animals, lead lives akin to captive animals. Such a life is meaningless. Therefore, each of us should contemplate the fact that, as human beings, we are different from other animals.

Our Chinese culture has a rich and profound history. We should delve into the teachings of ancient sages to discover the wisdom they imparted. It's essential to revisit and reflect upon how figures like Laozi and Confucius guided us in the past. Unfortunately, in the last century or two, very few individuals have delved deeply into these teachings.

We tend to view culture in a secular manner. Chinese people often discuss "wine culture," "tea culture," and so forth. However, in reality, all these so-called "cultures" are just various forms of culture but not synonymous with culture itself.

打比方中国人的武术 太极拳 舞蹈 音乐 戏曲 影视....艺术。里面都蕴涵着文化,但是真正的文化我们应该是从古圣先贤的书里面去学。
For example, Chinese Kung Fu, Tai Chi, dance, music, opera, movies, and TV—all these art forms encompass culture. However, the true essence of culture should be learned from the writings of ancient sages and wise predecessors.

For instance, many people have read "The Dream of the Red Chamber." However, the author had a profound understanding and cultivation of Chinese culture, influenced by Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism.

Due to this, many people may not fully comprehend "The Dream of the Red Chamber" and might only grasp the superficial storyline. Only those with a profound understanding of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism can genuinely grasp the essence of "The Dream of the Red Chamber." The author of "The Dream of the Red Chamber" is a wise person who has gained profound insights.

As human beings, we must not lose ourselves in the journey of life. Many people in the world are currently lost in the journey of life. Similar to rats, they are myopic, focusing only on immediate gains, and satisfying immediate desires. Living in this way is akin to being a rat.

As human beings, we need to lift our heads, see the way ahead, gaze at the sky, observe the earth. Living between heaven and earth, what kind of person should we be?

We come to Earth with the guidance of sages to elevate our lives. Gradually, you will come to realize this. Some people may still be skeptical at the moment; it could be because they lack humility and are excessively proud.

Just like modern individuals, captivated by the advancement of science and technology, lost in the development of material life, they become arrogant and conceited. Modern people are becoming increasingly arrogant and ignorant.

Material is the foundation and tool, but it is inanimate, while humans are living and spiritual. Our spirituality should not be buried in the desires of the flesh.

If one lives solely to sustain the physical body, to make its survival more comfortable, if ones lives only to continue existing and spends their life like a manure machine, such a life is meaningless.

So from now on, I hope all of you will carry yourselves with your heads held high, not just focusing on immediate concerns with your heads down. You can begin your life anew! No matter how old you are, you can start over and experience a rebirth.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023