@易明之光 2024-02-01 字数 811 阅读 0

随学圣哲 找回初心 02 Follow the Sages and Rediscover Our Original Aspiration 02

第九辑 圣贤之音 - 文化与道德的乐章 Volume 9: Culture & Virtue - Echoes of the Sage

Rediscover Our Original Aspiration

In the 21st century, the world is undergoing dramatic changes, and spiritual science is experiencing rapid development. All religions, sharing a common origin, are destined to return to their original aspirations.

All the sages in the past offered different teachings to people with diverse aptitudes. However, in this era, all teachings will converge, leading the world towards oneness. This oneness begins spiritually and extends into life, arts, science, and technology.

For thousands of years, throughout the course of human history, international conflicts, wars, domestic battles, and killings have persisted. The underlying root cause, however, lies in humanity's collective amnesia about its original aspiration on Earth, leaving individuals uncertain about their purpose in existence.

We have forgotten our original aspiration, so we must rediscover it. What is our original aspiration? We need to find out. Only when we've rediscovered our original intention can we truly say we won't forget.

The ancient sages and wise predecessors helped us long ago to find our original aspirations. However, due to human greed and the constraints of earlier eras, characterized by underdeveloped science and limited communication, many conflicts between nations in the past may have stemmed from misunderstandings.

During that period, scarcity of resources led to competition for territory and resources, frequently resulting in wars. This pattern also extended to interpersonal relationships. Over time, the original aspirations were forgotten. Nevertheless, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas continued to appear, guiding some individuals towards enlightenment.

Our human nature is inherently a mix of good and evil, encompassing both positive and negative aspects. Every individual harbors a benevolent side, a radiant facet, as well as desires, anger, hatred, jealousy, and the like. These tendencies exist within everyone; as ordinary individuals, it's impossible to be devoid of such traits.

So, through spiritual cultivation, we can eliminate these selfish desires and bad habits, returning to our innate spirituality—transcending human nature (the inherent human habits).

We can still overcome them and apply remedies to them. Through consistent practices, we can subdue the mental afflictions of greed, hatred and ignorance.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023