@易明之光 2024-02-01 字数 1653 阅读 0

随学圣哲 找回初心 03 Follow the Sages and Rediscover Our Original Aspiration 03

第九辑 圣贤之音 - 文化与道德的乐章 Volume 9: Culture & Virtue - Echoes of the Sage

Culture is the Backbone of a Nation

Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism were originally intertwined, as they all provide guidance from the sages to enhance the spiritual well-being of ordinary people. Our courses need to be systematically studied from the beginning in order to truly understand the meaning they convey.

Many people only scratch the surface when learning about the cultures of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Why? It's because their understanding of the expressed words isn't profound enough, and their foundation is insufficient. Consequently, a lot of people engage in superficial learning and struggle to delve deeper.

In fact, within the cultures of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, the ancient sages explained things quite clearly. They wouldn't speak nonsense; Every word of theirs taught us how to act and should be put into practice. Without practice, it's all just empty talk.

The sages do not give empty talk; they do not express emotions or fabricate stories like novelists or poets. The ancient sages must have had no empty words; every sentence they spoke was pearls of wisdom, practical, implementable, systematic.

Confucian culture was also systematic, but later disciples were disappointing, leading to its gradual decline into fragments.

Chinese culture has become fragmented and lacks systematicity. The same goes for Buddhism and Taoism. Christianity is no exception; its entire culture is also fragmented, contributing to a crisis of faith in the West, and they are also morally declining. Their understanding of religion is very shallow. This is because there hasn't been systematic, comprehensive, and in-depth learning; just a superficial grasp of these beliefs.

Just like the Chinese understanding of Buddhism, which is also very shallow, Christianity may be more or less the same. Very few people can truly study Christianity in depth. This could be more or less the same all over the world. But the sages have not given up on us; they still come to Earth constantly to help us.

其实从基督教的角度讲,就是讲救世主了。救世主这个词,不是说像电影里演的一样: 一个人拯救世界、拯救地球。不是这样的。
In fact, from the perspective of Christianity, they are saviors. The term "savior" does not refer to someone who saves the world and the earth, as portrayed in the movies. This is not true.

The real savior is here to guide us, enabling us to save ourselves. Without these sages, humans would attack each other like wild animals, and human civilization would not have progressed to its current state.

The sages come to the world to educate and transform us. Without sages guiding mankind to where we are today, as ordinary people, what would we be thinking and doing all day long?

As we all know, without learning, look at those who have never studied culture. Well, I'm not saying that you acquire that knowledge...I've also written an article titled "The Difference between Culture and Knowledge", which you might have read. Having some knowledge alone is useless. Without culture, one would be short-sighted. Whatever they think and do all day long, you can see it clearly.

Why Chinese civilization has not collapsed also surprises Westerners. Other civilizations have disappeared. The four ancient civilizations, including the Roman Empire, all gradually declined. Western civilization cannot endure for a long time.

How come only Chinese civilization seemed on the verge of collapse every time but managed to rise again? Why hasn't it completely disappeared? It's because China has always had sages silently guiding us and the backbone of the nation supporting us.

No matter how Chinese culture was devastated, its root hasn't been completely destroyed. Therefore, when the survival of our nation is threatened, there are always sages supporting us.

Only when there is culture, is there civilization. Once the root of culture is devastated, the civilization of the nation is over. It will gradually decline and end up like some Africans, who have little culture–a nation without culture. You can see it pretty clearly.

Why is Western civilization so powerful? Because they have a cultural foundation, and culture derives from faith. Faith is the root of culture.

Chinese culture begins with Taoist culture. Without Taoist sages, where would Chinese Taoist culture come from? All of China's culture originated from Taoism. Confucian culture also developed and flourished from Taoism.

Any nation with faith in the world will thrive for a period of time. It's the same with Islam. Without Islam or Mohammed, the Arabs would be like Africans now. Their current civilization and culture are also attributed to the education given by sages, enabling them to have faith and culture.

In fact, Africa also has many resources. Why haven't they become strong? Wealthy? Why have they been so underdeveloped? For thousands of years, they have lacked culture and faith, and they have been worshiping spirits and gods, so they have remained very backward.

Standing a little higher gives us a clearer view, but I don't know why many people can't see clearly now. We need to spread this idea constantly, and we believe that everyone will gradually reach a consensus.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023