@易明之光 2023-07-21 字数 1968 阅读 0

世界是可知的吗?Is the World Knowable?

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

Is the world knowable?

This question was explicitly raised, analyzed, and affirmed by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), the founder of German classical philosophy.

Kant said, "Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the oftener and the more steadily we reflect on them: the starry heavens above and the moral law within."

The starry heavens evoke our gaze and awe with its vastness and profundity;
The moral law deserves our lifelong adherence with its solemnity and purity.
It originated from the "Critique of Practical Reason" by Kant. Later, it was engraved on Kant's tombstone by people.
Schopenhauer believed that anyone studying philosophy who is yet unfamiliar with Kant is merely a child.

In the first half of his life, Kant primarily studied natural sciences, while in the second half, he focused on the philosophy of life. He possessed a profound understanding and clear analysis of human rational thinking.

The so-called rational thinking refers to the mental activity of judging and reasoning using clear concepts. Rational thinking must conform to (formal) logic, while thinking that violates formal logic is called irrational or non-rational thinking.

He divides the world into Phenomenon and the Thing-in-itself.

Phenomenon refers to the Thing-in-itself acting upon human senses, resulting in experiential materials, combined with the perceptions generated by human sensibility and intellect. In simpler terms, phenomena encompass all perceivable materials, including both mental and physical manifestations, and serve as objects of human cognition.

The Thing-in-itself is the noumenon that gives rise to phenomena, including the free will in the soul, the essence of the universe, and the Creator - God. The Thing-in-itself is metaphysical, meaning it cannot be definitively known through rational thinking or proven through formal logic.

When humans attempt to use rational thinking, which transcends sensibility and intellect, to comprehend the transcendent Thing-in-itself, they inevitably fall into unresolved contradictions, namely, antinomy. Antinomies refer to contradictions between two mutually exclusive yet demonstrable propositions.

He presents four sets of antinomies:

1.The world is limited with regard to time and space; The world is unlimited with regard to time and space.
2.The world is unified; The world is complex, diverse, and divisible.
3.Everything in the world is either free or, in other words, contingent and free; Everything in the world is determined or, in other words, necessary.
4.A necessary being is either part of or cause of the world; A necessary being is not part of the world or cause of the world.

These questions are confronted by any philosopher or theologian. If any philosopher or theologian evades these questions, or presumptuously and subjectively asserts the validity of any of these four sets of propositions, or denies the others, they commit the error of subjectivism.

Strictly speaking, they cannot be considered as a philosopher or theologian; at best, they can only be regarded as a sentimentally rich thinker lacking rationality! And Karl Marx was such a thinker, who subjectively believes that matter (the world) is infinite, eternal, and absolute.

Therefore, Kant believed that the Thing-in-itself cannot be apprehended by human reason; only the Holy Spirit within one's mind is the path to reach the Thing-in-itself.

I agree with Kant's perspective, which asserts that matters concerning free will within the soul, the essence of the universe, and the Creator—God, belong to the realm of metaphysics and are beyond the grasp of ordinary minds.

Buddhism is against passion on discussing metaphysical issues and advocates pragmatic attitude.

When Buddha Shakyamuni was alive, there were 96 non-Buddhist schools, each adhering to various views regarding the origin of the world. Later, most of them were gradually convinced by Buddha, converted to Buddhism, and became Buddha’s disciples.

Of course, Buddha also didn't answer those questions listed by Kant. When some disciples raised these questions, Buddha always discarded and set them aside.

Buddha said, "If a practitioner does not cultivate wisdom and compassion through the right methods and instead seeks answers to these questions, they will die without finding clear satisfaction."

"It is like a person wounded by a poisoned arrow. When relatives and friends find a doctor to heal him, he demands, 'Before you extract the arrow, answer my questions: Who shot me? What is their name? What is their appearance? Where do they come from? What is the bow made of? How about the arrow? What materials compose the shaft? What bird's feather is on the arrowhead? Doctor, if you fail to provide a satisfactory explanation, I will refuse treatment!'"

“修习梵行,建立解脱,不在于肯定或否定你提出的问题。 不论世间流行的臆度是怎样,肯定或否定,都不能依靠它消除人间的苦痛。而我要解释的是止息痛苦、消除烦恼、建立解脱、获得自由的方法。
"Practicing the holy life and establishing liberation does not depend on affirming or denying the questions you have raised. Regardless of the prevailing speculations in the world, affirmation or denial cannot alleviate the suffering in human life. However, what I aim to explain is the method to cease suffering, eliminate afflictions, establish liberation, and attain freedom.

Through leading a holy life, one can attain liberation; through liberation, one can gain immeasurable wisdom and strength. At that time, what difficulty would there be in comprehending the mere few questions you have raised?"

Buddha's method of enlightening sentient beings is to teach them according to their aptitudes. Buddha is not a computer, he won’t simply answer any answers without thinking.

He is a teacher who is very concern about practical benefits. He is full of compassion and wisdom. He does not answer questions to show off his knowledge, but to help the questioner on the path of enlightenment. When he talks to a person, he always keeps in mind the level, inclination, aptitude, character and ability of understanding a certain issue of that person.

From this, it can be understood that the world may be knowable or unknowable. The answer to this question lies not in the world itself, but rather in the extent of wisdom attained by those who seek to understand it.

Can a person with an IQ of only 100 become a physicist or a philosopher? Isn't it a wishful thinking for an ordinary person to hope to know all the mysteries of the world? Even the most renowned Western philosophers have only achieved a rational understanding of those problems involving antinomies.

Newton, the world's greatest scientist, in the last thirty years of his life devoted himself to the study of the origin of the world and came to the conclusion: God created everything!

20世纪20年代发展和建立起来的量子力学,得到了极广泛的应用。然而,以爱因斯坦,玻尔为代表的科学家们在对其理论基础做哲学解释时,却遇到了极大的困惑, 一直存在着激烈的争论。
The quantum mechanics developed and established in the 1920s has gained a wide range of applications. However, when scientists such as Einstein and Bohr attempt to provide philosophical interpretations of its theoretical foundations, they encounter significant perplexity, leading to ongoing and intense debates.

In fact, the crux of their debate revolves around Kant's antinomies of the second and third groups: whether the world is unified or diverse, divisible, and whether everything in the world is free or determined. They have been arguing for over 70 years without reaching a consensus.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023