@易明之光 2023-07-20 字数 726 阅读 0

割断欲望之绳 Cutting off the Rope of Desire

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

Excerpt from Lotus Wisdom 1

A young man traveled from his home to a Zen monastery. On the way, he witnessed something interesting and wanted to test the wisdom of the elder Zen master at the monastery. Upon arriving, while enjoying tea together, they engaged in casual conversation. Unexpectedly, the young man asked, "What is the meaning of 'turning and turning?'"

“It's all because the rope is not cut", the old Zen master replied casually.
Upon hearing this response from the old Zen master, the young man was taken aback.
Observing the surprise on the young man's face, the old Zen master asked, "What makes you so astonished?"
"Oh, Master, what surprises me is how you knew," The young man replied,

"I saw a buffalo on my way here today, with a rope threaded through its nose and tied to a tree. The buffalo wanted to leave the tree and go to the grassland to eat grass, but no matter how it turned and struggled, it couldn't break free. I thought since you didn't seem to notice it, you wouldn't be able to answer the question. But to my surprise, you answered it correctly right away."

You asked about the situation, and I answered about the truth. You asked about the buffalo being bound by the rope and unable to break free, and I answered about the mind being entangled by worldly affairs and unable to transcend. One truth can explain countless situations.

The young man had a great realization!
Because of a single rope, the buffalo lost the grassland;
Because of a single rope, the kite lost the sky;
Because of a single rope, the elephant lost its freedom;
Because of a single rope, a horse lost its gallop.
So what is it that often holds us back in our lives?

A stamp often leads us to ponder and reflect;
A job title often keeps us turning and tossing restlessly;
A single victory or defeat often exhausts our efforts;
A gain or loss can often leave us deeply distressed;
A romantic relationship often ties our hearts in knots;
A high salary can often furrow our brows countless times.

For money, we run around in all directions;
For power, we spin around up and down;
For desires, we rush up and down tirelessly;
For fame, we dart and dash day and night.

Where has the joy gone? Where has the happiness gone?
The lively and lovely childhood in those days now feels like a distant memory;
The bounding and exuberant youth of the past is no longer within recollection. 
The bygone days are like fleeting smoke, and the present is filled with a gloomy and desolate countenance!

Why can't we break free? Why can't we pull ourselves free? It's all because the rope is not yet cut off! Life is entangled with three thousand threads of afflictions. How many of them do you have the courage to cut off? How many of them do you have the wisdom to break free from?

The Zen master said, "All beings are like that buffalo, bound by the rope of birth, aging, illness, and death, drifting with the currents in the six realms without liberation."

易明之光 Mini读书@2023