@易明之光 2023-07-22 字数 937 阅读 0

我的幸福我做主 My Happiness, My Choice

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

摘自什么是幸福 02
Excerpted from What Is Happiness 02

What defines a person as happy?

To be happy, first and foremost, you must face reality. If you constantly avoid reality, it's like a woman trying to get married, but she is never satisfied with anyone she meets, which leads to suffering. She finds faults with each potential boyfriend, whether it's the nose being too short, the mouth being too big, the eyes being too small, or the height being too short, or too fat, or too skinny. She's always looking for someone like Leehom Wang. As a result, your reality is that you can't get married.

Secondly, to live happily, you need to be down-to-earth and to diligently engage in things that you genuinely want to do and are within your capabilities. If you constantly seek to do things beyond your intellect and abilities, you will undoubtedly live a hard, even painful life.

Everyone's blessings and conditions are different. As long as you work diligently within your own blessings and conditions, doing things that are within your capabilities, you will find happiness.

Some people are unwilling to do things within their capabilities because they think the earnings are too little or it's not decent enough. I once saw a cleaner who swept the floor while humming a song, and sometimes even danced a little disco, with a joyful expression on his face. So, you see, it all depends on how you live your life. If you want to be happy, everyone can achieve happiness. In this world, even a tiny ant can live happily. When it finds a grain of rice outside, it can happily bring it back home and tell its ant spouse, "Today is our lucky day!"

In fact, life is the same for everyone. When perceptive individuals encounter such scenes, they gain insights.

To live happily, the third point is, do not compare yourself with others. Each person's destiny and blessings are different, related to the karmic forces and conditions accumulated over countless lifetimes. You should not compare yourself to others; instead, enjoy the life that corresponds to your own blessings.

For example, when you are born, your father may be a nobleman but not an emperor. As you grow up, if you are an ambitious person and encounter the sons of emperors, you may become unhappy. You feel depressed all the time because you had no chance to become a crown prince.

But a child born into an ordinary family, with kind and loving parents who treat him well, has a happy childhood. As he grows up, he becomes a good doctor, dedicated to saving lives. He also finds a kind-hearted wife and lives happily, never comparing himself to others. He feels he is a happy man.

To live a happy life, the most important thing is contentment. Once a person's desires become too excessive, and they want something they clearly cannot obtain, they will undoubtedly suffer. Therefore, anyone who wants happiness can achieve it, unless you don't want it. But if you constantly think about things beyond your blessings, you will surely suffer.

Of course, blessings can also be changed. If you actively serve others, engage in activities that benefit the masses, and strive to accumulate merits, then your blessings will naturally grow.

In short, happiness is something very achievable, and whether you are happy or not is entirely up to you. Those who are down-to-earth and content are undoubtedly happy individuals.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023