@易明之光 2023-07-22 字数 714 阅读 0

会伤害我们的,是我们对事情的想法 What Can Harm Us Is Our Thoughts About Things

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

One morning, heavy rain poured from the sky when a man took a bus to work. The bus was crowded with passengers, and he was feeling impatient. Suddenly, he felt someone's umbrella poking at his ankle.

He intended to turn around and give that person a piece of his mind for being so careless. However, the bus was extremely crowded, and the tight space prevented him from turning around. As the bus moved forward, the umbrella's tip poked even harder, fueling his growing anger. He thought to himself that he would definitely give the person a good scolding later.

Finally, at a major station, many passengers got off the bus, creating some space for him to turn around. Filled with anger, he pushed aside the irritating umbrella tip and turned around to glare at the "inconsiderate" passenger. To his surprise, he found that the person he was confronting was actually blind! Upon closer inspection, he realized that it wasn't an umbrella tip that had been poking his ankle; it was her white cane! This sudden realization caused his previously uncontrollable anger to dissipate instantly, and the pain in his ankle seemed to lessen.

Why did the whole feeling suddenly change? On the surface, the anger stemmed from "that person" and "that incident" that caused pain in his ankle. Going deeper, the real cause of the anger was the thought that "this person is rude and disrespectful." So when he discovered that the other person was blind, his "thought" changed, and his "feeling" changed as well.

In the book "Chuang Tzu," there is also a story, roughly like this: On a misty morning, a person was rowing his boat against the current when suddenly a small boat came rushing towards him with the current. He became furious and started yelling at the other person. However, he soon realized that the boat that collided with his was actually an empty one! He shook his head, and his anger subsided.

Many times, incidents themselves do not cause harm; it is our thoughts about them that do. And thoughts are ideas. If ideas remain unchanged, destiny cannot be altered; but if ideas change, the world begins to transform.

The reason for the change of idea lies in forgiveness and seeing the truth. When one sees the plight of the vulnerable, feelings of pity and understanding arise, and the mind begins to contemplate compassion and forgiveness. Through this change of idea, anger is gone immediately, transforming from resentment to kindness. By recognizing the truth, afflictions can be immediately extinguished, and an agitated mind becomes peaceful. Therefore, in a single thought, one can become a good person or a bad person.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023