@易明之光 2023-07-25 字数 1306 阅读 0

世界是你心的倒影:当你不看月亮的时候,月亮还在吗?The World is the Reflection of Your Mind: When You're Not Looking at the Moon, Does the Moon Still Exist?

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

Before the 20th century, Western scientists believed that the color of an object existed independently of consciousness and was an objective reality. Whether it was daytime or nighttime, the colors of objects were considered to be inherent properties. However, with the advancements in physics and human physiology during the 20th century, scientists came to realize that the so-called colors of objects are simply visual responses produced in the mind through the interaction of certain light waves with the retina. Colors are a phenomenon of consciousness. Why is this so? Let's analyze it in more detail from the following points now:

First, the visual system includes the eyeball, optic nerve, and the visual cortex in the brain; all of these are composed of cells and belong to physical entities. Therefore, the visual system is a physical entity.

Second, visible light waves, as known in physics, are electromagnetic waves with wavelengths between 380 to 780 nanometers. Electromagnetic waves within this range are called visible light; beyond this range, humans cannot perceive them, and they are not considered visible light (such as infrared and ultraviolet). However, certain animals or other organisms in different spaces can generate visual responses. Light waves themselves do not have color; they are merely electromagnetic waves with different frequencies and wavelengths.

Third, the objects we see do not have color themselves; they only reflect certain frequencies of light waves while absorbing others.

Fourth, what we call vision is the direct sensation produced in the mind through the interaction of visible light waves with the visual organs, manifesting as different color responses. Light waves are refracted onto the retina through the eyeball, where numerous photosensitive cells come into contact with different photons, absorbing the light energy. Then, through the optic nerve, this information is conveyed to the brain's photosensitive area, where consciousness generates vision.

We refer to this visual response as color, or simply "hue." Each visual response generated by individual light points has its own specific hue, and all these hues combine to form an image, which we call the "visual object." When light waves of different intensities enter the eyeball, they produce variations in the visual response, resulting in differences in brightness, which we perceive as different shades of colors.

Many people believe that vision originates solely from the photosensitive area of the brain. However, this is just their assumption. In the scientific encyclopedia entry, the explanation about the brain is as follows: the brain is the highest part of the nervous system, and the surface layer of the cerebral cortex consists of gray matter, which is the concentrated portion of nerve cell bodies. Both nerve cells and the gray matter nuclei within the white matter of the cortex are composed of organic substances formed by the combination of molecules and atoms. Therefore, the brain serves as the material basis for generating conscious activities.

The further recognition of the visual object by consciousness is called "eye consciousness." Eye consciousness consists of four aspects: the recognition function (the mechanism of recognition), the recognized image (the visual object), the process of recognition, and the results of recognition. All external appearances and colors in the world are manifestations of our consciousness; there is no visual object outside of our mind.

For example, the moon in the sky doesn't exist when you're not looking at it, but the moon itself is present. The moon only reflects sunlight, and it's only when you look at it that the light reflected by the moon enters your eyes, and consciousness manifests the visual object of the moon.

Furthermore, on the thirtieth night of the lunar calendar, the sunlight that shines on the moon is entirely blocked by the Earth, and the moon is still up in the sky, but there is no moonlight, only a moon without light. We can begin to understand the concept of "all is mind-made" from here.

Fifth, different animals have varying visual responses to the same frequencies of light waves. The most representative example is the felidae family of animals, such as cats. We all know that without visible light waves, humans cannot see anything; it's pitch dark. However, felidae animals can see things even in the presence of infrared light. Additionally, various other forms of life have even more diverse responses to light waves.

Let's summarize. Under ordinary circumstances, humans instinctively tend to believe that the visual object exists externally and has nothing to do with the mind; they perceive it as an "objective reality." However, the visual object is an activity of consciousness; it is not something we only see, but rather, it is manifested by our consciousness. It is similar to dreaming when, before waking up, humans instinctively believe that the dream is an objective existence, but upon awakening, they come to realize that dreams are all created by their own mind.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023