@易明之光 2023-07-21 字数 970 阅读 0

声音是客观存在的吗?Is Sound Objectively Present?

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

If you know the truth of sound, this "virtual world" will be shaken by you.

With the development of physics and somatic science, scientists have come to realize that what we call "sound" is simply the interaction of certain frequencies of sound waves with the auditory system, resulting in auditory perceptions in the mind. Sound is a phenomenon of consciousness.

Why is so? Now, let's analyze it in detail from the following points:

Firstly, the auditory system includes the outer ear, auditory nerve, and auditory cortex in the brain, all composed of cells, constituting material entities. The ear is a material entity.

Secondly, the sound phenomenon is what is referred to as sound waves in physics. When an object vibrates, it causes the surrounding air to vibrate, creating sound waves. Sound waves with frequencies ranging from 20 to 20,000 Hertz are audible to humans.

Sound waves beyond this range cannot be perceived by humans. However, certain animals or other beings in different spatial realms can generate auditory responses.

The sound-emitting objects do not produce sound; they only emit sound waves with varying frequencies and wavelengths.

Thirdly, the so-called auditory perception refers to the direct sensation and manifestation of different sounds caused by audible sound waves acting upon the auditory organs. The sound waves vibrate the eardrum, transmit through the auditory nerve, and reach the auditory cortex of the brain, generating auditory consciousness. We call this auditory response as "sound."

Fourthly, many people believe that auditory perception arises solely from the auditory cortex of the brain. In fact, this is just their assumption. According to the explanation in scientific encyclopedic entries, the brain is the most advance part of the nervous system, and the outer layer of the brain, known as the cerebral cortex, is where the cell bodies of nerve cells are concentrated. The nerve cells, the deep white matter of the cerebral cortex, and the gray matter nuclei within the white matter are all composed of organic matter, formed by the combination of molecules and atoms. Therefore, the brain merely serves as the material basis for generating activities of the mind.

All sounds are manifestations of our mind; there are no external sounds. For example, the sounds of singing or musical instruments that we "hear" are neither produced by others nor by the instruments themselves but are manifestations of the mind.

Fifthly, different animals exhibit varying auditory responses to the same frequency of sound waves. The most representative example is the feline family. As we know, humans cannot hear any sound waves with frequencies above 20,000 Hertz, but feline animals can hear sound waves with frequencies as high as 50,000 Hertz. This means that the high-frequency sound waves that cats and dogs can hear are completely silent to us. Additionally, pigeons can detect sound waves ranging from 20 Hertz to 0.05 Hertz, which are also inaudible to humans. Moreover, various other forms of life exhibit diverse responses to sound waves.

Alright, let's sum it up. In usual circumstances, humans instinctively believe that sound exists outside and has nothing to do with the mind, considering it as an "objective presence." In fact, sound belongs to the activities of the mind; it is not something we merely hear, but rather a manifestation of our consciousness. It's like when we are dreaming, before waking up, humans instinctively believe that the sounds in the dream are objectively present.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023