@易明之光 2023-07-24 字数 734 阅读 0

什么是宇宙万物创造者?Who is the Creator of All Things in the Universe?

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

Excerpt from Lotus Wisdom 1

Gazing upon the vast universe that sustains us, countless planets, mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, and the myriad of life, from the soaring birds in the skies to the graceful creatures gliding beneath the waters, all dance harmoniously to the rhythm of their existence.

In the graceful cycle of day and night, the ever-changing seasons, the perpetual motion of the sun and moon, and the continuous propagation of life... What propels the ceaseless movement of all things in the universe? Is there a master of the myriad phenomena, governing all creation?

Each person experiences birth and aging, illness and death;
every family embraces joys and sorrows, separations and reunions;
every endeavor witnesses rise and fall, success and failure;
and within each soul resides moments of happiness, anger, grief, and joy.

The sentient world resembles a grand stage, where every moment unfolds a complex and ever-changing drama. Is there a conductor directing the show behind the scenes?

Upon further observation of the vastness around, from a single leaf to a blooming flower, from a uttered word to a facial expression... not a single pair of things are identical. Even twin sisters possess unique talents, personalities, and destinies. Who is the masterful painter creating this diverse yet harmonious cosmic tapestry?

The author of this universe, the creator of myriad phenomena, has been a subject of constant exploration by people from all walks of life, past and present, domestic and foreign.

In ancient India, the six non-Buddhist masters had various theories about the origin of the world - some asserted it arose without a cause, while others attributed it to the creation by a Supreme Being, or the combination of elements like earth, water, fire, and wind. In modern science, materialistic views suggest the world is a result of the arrangement of fundamental particles or the manifestation of energy fields. Each perspective presents compelling arguments, yet they are akin to blind people touching an elephant, clinging only to one aspect and unable to see the complete truth.

Over three thousand years ago, ancient India gave birth to an enlightened one named Shakyamuni, who renounced his royal throne and became a monk in pursuit of the true meaning of life and the universe. He sought guidance from various teachers and underwent six years of rigorous ascetic practices. Finally, one night under the Bodhi tree, he beheld the stars at night and attained enlightenment.

After his attainment of enlightenment, Buddha developed clear and vast heavenly eyes. By direct perception he could see how different beings in the whole universe die and rebirth, and how each life could appropriately attain its happiness and suffering in proportion to the good or bad karma it had created. Buddha has utterly observed the law of cause and effect in the universe.

From then on, Buddha brought this truth of dependent origination of karma to the world, disseminating the teachings of truth to humanity.

Karma creates all, like an artist.
Karma forms all, like a dancer.
In the myriad phenomena of the world, they manifest through karma.
In the joys and sorrows of the world, they are painted by karma.
Karmic causes and conditions meet, experiencing the fruits of karma.
Karmic causes and conditions meet, experiencing the joys and sorrows of life.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023