@易明之光 2023-07-23 字数 212 阅读 0

祸福转换一念间 One Thought Away: From Misfortune to Blessings

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

Excerpt from Precious Teachings of the Chan Monastery 17

The root of disasters and crises lies in unrestrained behavior. On the surface, some seemingly trivial matters may appear insignificant, but with gradual accumulation, it becomes difficult to determine whether they will lead to misfortune or blessings.

Misfortune could transform into blessings in an instant, and blessings could turn into misfortune with a single thought. It all lies within the power of our own thoughts.

Originally it was misfortune, but if we perceive it in a positive light, it becomes a blessing. For instance, when someone comes to insult, harass, or even harm us, if we practice endurance and transform our thoughts, the misfortune instantly turns into a blessing.

On the other hand, if it was originally a blessing, when good things and fortunes come our way, but we become arrogant, indulgent, and unrestrained, along with pride and arrogance, the blessing immediately transforms into misfortune.

Therefore, blessings and misfortunes, good fortune and bad fortune, all depend on a single thought, and they can change at any moment.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023