@易明之光 2023-07-24 字数 784 阅读 0

像我这么善良的人,为什么没感受到好报呢? Why Haven't I Felt the Rewards of Being Such a Kind Person?

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

Question: Why do I, as a kind person, often feel so much suffering? My health is not great, and my mood is frequently very bad.

Wise One answers: If there is no negativity in your heart, there will be no suffering. Since you experience inner suffering, it indicates that there is negativity within your heart.

Question: How could there be negativity within me? I have always been a positively kind person!

Wise One answers: Please briefly explain your suffering.

我有时感到自己的工资收入很低,住房也不够宽敞。经常有‘生存危机感’,心里常常感到不痛快,希望尽快改变这种现状。社会上一些根本没读什么书的人,居然也能腰缠万贯,我感到不服气。 像我这样一个有文化的研究生,每月就这么一点收入,实在是太不公平了。我的家人有时不听我的劝告,我感到不舒服。
I sometimes feel that my salary is too low, and my housing is not spacious enough. I often have a sense of "survival crisis" and feel unhappy, hoping to change this situation as soon as possible. There are some people in society who haven't even studied much, yet they are extremely wealthy, and I feel dissatisfied. As an educated graduate like me, it's just unfair to have such a low monthly income. It makes me feel uncomfortable when my family members don't listen to my advice.

Wise One answers:
You have a greedy desire for money and housing, and this kind of greed is a negative mind. Feeling envious of some uneducated people becoming wealthy in society is jealousy, and jealousy is also a negative mind. Thinking that having an education should automatically result in a high income is arrogance, and arrogance is also a negative mind.

Believing that having a high income is justified simply because one is well-educated is an ignorant mind. Education is not the direct cause of wealth; rather, the generosity and good deeds from past lives are the reasons for present-day affluence. Ignorance is also a negative mind!

Your family members not accepting your advice makes you feel uncomfortable; this is due to the lack of tolerance. Why insist on forcing their thoughts and views to align with yours? Intolerance and narrow-mindedness are also forms of negative mind. These negative mindsets cause you suffering.

Question: How can I avoid suffering? I want to be a happy and kind person!

Wise One answers: If you can completely eliminate these negative aspects from your heart, then your suffering will also dissipate into thin air.

You have a house to live in and your income is sufficient for a comfortable life, whether you are happy or not does not depend on external wealth but rather on your own attitude towards life. Replace the previous craving mind with a happy and contented mindset.

When you see uneducated individuals becoming wealthy, you should understand that it is the result of their acts of generosity in their past and present lives. Replace jealousy with a heart of rejoicing. Approach your family with kindness, humor, openness, understanding, and the same level of respect you have for yourself.

When we completely eradicate the afflictions such as greed, jealousy, attachments, and narrow-mindedness from our inner self, our body will gradually become healthy, and our mind will gradually become cheerful.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023