@易明之光 2023-07-23 字数 1042 阅读 0

心性的弹性和可塑性 The Flexibility and Plasticity of the Mind

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

We all know that physical strength can be increased through exercise; in fact, our minds can also be transformed through training. The meditation masters understand how flexible and malleable the mind is. If we train it, incredible things can happen.

In fact, all along, we have been well-trained — trained to be jealous, to compare ourselves with others, to feel anxious, sad, desperate, and greedy. When faced with stimuli, we instantly react through conditioned responses.

Actually, we have been trained to such a severe extent that we don't even need to make an effort to evoke these negative emotions; they arise automatically. If we continue to allow the development of these negative mindsets, our hearts will easily become lazy, indulging in emotions and unable to break free.

In fact, all our emotions are negative, filled with negative energy. Positive energy has no emotions; it is pure, compassionate, joyful, and wise. Being close to people radiating positive energy is like basking in the sunlight, as if the clouds of darkness within our hearts are dispersing.

So, how do we train our minds to be positive? Training the mind is not about forcefully suppressing emotions and thoughts. The enlightened ones teach us that to train the mind, we must first carefully observe its way of working. Then, we begin to train this deluded mind by adopting correct views and thoughts, gradually eliminating various negative emotions.

Just like facing a tangled mess of ropes with various knots tied on them, how can we possibly untangle them if we close our eyes? Our minds are the same; they have numerous knots, tied by themselves, yet we are not aware of them, not conscious of them, and do not know how to untie them. Instead, we keep tying more knots on top of the existing ones.

In the process of training, we direct our minds to untie all these knots within, including attachments to desires, anger, and all other psychological habits - countless knots. After mastering this method, we must continuously practice it. Only through constant practice can we completely eliminate the root of all emotions: delusions, illusions, and attachments.

For example, when practicing Tai Chi, after you have learned the routine, you need to practice it every day. After completing the practice, you should also practice with fellow practitioners to truly develop your skills. Not only does this help you improve your skills, but it also allows you to gain experience in facing opponents. Practicing the routine can enhance your internal strength, while practicing with others helps you accumulate experience in overcoming adversaries and flexibly master the essence of the Tai Chi.

In playing Go, it's the same principle. Once you learn the basic rules and strategies, you must practice daily to improve your positioning, territorial skills, and practice life and death situations through capturing battles. Additionally, you should engage in practice games with others to grow and develop your skills.

Similarly, for dancers, it takes years of dedicated effort and patient practice from a young age to master the art and perform gracefully in the end. It's all the same principle.

The process of cultivating our minds is also similar. Once our minds start to awaken and grasp the correct methods, we must practice diligently over the long term. With consistent practice, we can achieve a state of profound mastery. Regardless of what we do, if we wholeheartedly immerse our minds into it, we can reach a state of profound mastery.

By training the mind, one can come to understand the truth of the universe, directly realize the reality of the cosmos, and let the mind become pure, free, and infinitely wondrous. This is what truly gives meaning to life.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023