@易明之光 2023-07-22 字数 1118 阅读 0

警醒!正在被这个时代“废掉”的五类人 Alert! Five Types of People who are Being "Eliminated" by this Era

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

Times are changing, the birth of a new era inevitably marks the end of an old era. With the end of an old era comes the demise of a group of people who cannot keep up with the new times.

Everything in the world follows its own set of laws and regulations. Every new technological advancement will undoubtedly benefit some individuals to while inevitably harming others.

In this era of great upheaval, some people are forging ahead with determination, heading towards brightness, while others are eroding their will and heading towards destruction.

There are five types of people are losing themselves, being destroyed by the era.

The first type of people belong to the "go-with-the-flow" type, completely overwhelmed by the information of the era, indulging in various illusions and unable to extricate themselves.

They spend their time watching videos, live streams, playing games, and staying up late for long periods. They seek instant gratification, which gradually forms a pattern and habit, causing them to lose their willpower, become spiritually listless, and age prematurely. They end up depending on their parents for support and achieve nothing of significance.

The second type of people belong to the "busy-but-aimless" type, lacking any specific skills or their own career. They are constantly occupied with socializing, parties, stock trading, and direct selling, dreaming of striking big deals and making a fortune. They keep themselves busy day in and day out, exhausting their lives in futile busyness.

They work diligently but have short-sighted vision, always having an endless stream of tasks to attend to. Their work and life lack organization and routine, and in the end, they suffer from the three highs [high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol], trading their health for money.

The third type of people belong to the "crazily-seeking" category. They are obsessed with material desires and pleasures, driven by selfish motives, and pursue vanity. They enjoy comparing themselves to others and engage in activities such as traveling, shopping, and social gatherings.

They are indifferent to others. They turn a deaf ear to matters that could benefit others, which are within their capability and only require little effort on their part. They are driven solely by self-interest, resorting to any means to achieve their goals, and show ingratitude to others. They are destined to live out their old age in loneliness.

The fourth type of people belong to the "refusal-to-grow" category, completely immersed in their comfort zone. They blindly trust technology and unwilling to engage with new ideas or concepts. Moreover, they are resistant to accepting challenges or breaking through themselves. Gradually, they erode their willpower and sink deeper into their comfort zone.

They have achieved some success and begin to become numb in their comfortable environment, resting on their laurels and refusing to learn and improve. They persist in outdated ideologies and cling to rigid lifestyles. As they age, they become more stubborn. They sit back and wait to die while taking advantage of their seniority, seriously hindering the development and progress of society.

The fifth type of people belong to the "superstitious religious" type. They are blindly obsessed, lacking wisdom and true faith. They do not understand the conditions of precepts, worship deities and spirits, indulge in supernatural powers, enjoy visiting sacred mountains, believe in rumors and spread unfounded prophecies. As a result, they become estranged from friends and family and lead a life disconnected from reality.

They consider themselves as practitioners, without proper lineage or transmission. They study scriptures on their own, not knowing actual practices, and blindly engage in unguided practice. They are arrogant and conceited, and some even talk about profound teachings in a frivolous manner, showing disrespect for monks. Some of them don't even have the basic skills for survival. They think they have the aspiration to benefit all beings, but in fact, they are selfish and rush for success, simply chanting the name of Buddha until death.

These five types of people represent over 90% of the population in this world. They are surrounded by an abundance of trash information every day, leading to mental decadent and a lack of life direction. They indulge in unrealistic fantasies, hoping for a windfall from the sky. They simply sit, wait, and rely, resembling walking zombies, awaiting to be shaken at any moment and readily discarded by this rapidly changing era.

Only 10% of people in this world are pursuing enlightenment in life. They understand that being human is not only about experiencing eating, drinking, birth, aging, sickness, and death, nor is it solely about pursuing joy, anger, sorrow, fear, fame, and fortune.

They come to Earth with the need for their souls to be purified and elevated. They strive to do everything that benefits sentient beings and the Earth, down-to-earth, with optimism and fulfillment in spirit, their love knows no boundaries.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023