@易明之光 2023-07-24 字数 2674 阅读 0

佛陀的沉默——佛陀不回答的十个问题 Buddha's Silence - 10 Questions the Buddha Did not Answer

第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart

在巴利文原典中,多处都提到一位游方者名叫婆蹉种。一次,婆蹉种来到佛处,问道: “尊敬的乔达摩啊,神我是有的吗?” 佛陀缄口不答。 “那么,可敬的乔达摩,神我是没有的吗?” 佛还是保持沉默。
In the original Pali scriptures, there are many references to a pilgrim named Pocha. Once, Pocha came to the Buddha's place and asked: "Respected Gautama, is there a cosmic self?" Buddha remained silent. "Then, Venerable Gautama, is there no cosmic self?" Buddha remained silent.

In the Buddha's time, there were many wanderers similar to Pocha. When they were discussing with others, they debated for the sake of debate, frequently employing metaphysical matters to argue with others. Ten of these well-known metaphysical questions include:

I. Questions about the universe
Yǔ, represents all the space in the upper and lower four directions, and Zhòu represents the time from the past to the present.
1.Is the universe eternal?
2.Is the universe not eternal?
3.Is the universe finite?
4.Is the universe infinite?

II. Questions about psychology
5.Are body and mind one?
6.Is the body one thing and the mind another?

III. Questions about the realm of Buddha's enlightenment
7.Does the Tathagata (Buddha) continue to exist after Nirvana?
8.Does the Tathagata (Buddha) cease to exist after Nirvana?
9.Does the Tathagata (Buddha) exist and not exist at the same time after Nirvana?
10.Does the Tathagata (Buddha) neither exist nor not exist at the same time after Nirvana?

The Buddha was not interested in discussing these metaphysical questions, so whenever someone asked the Buddha these questions, Buddha always remained silent.
Why didn't the Buddha answer these metaphysical questions? We can explain it from four perspectives:

01.The Buddha replied on more than one occasion, saying,

"Bhiksu, I teach only two things: suffering and the cessation of suffering (nirvana). Human beings are full of suffering, and our most urgent task is to eliminate suffering. Therefore, I expound these dharmas as they are beneficial and intimately connected to the mind and body in the pursuit of the holy life. They bring about renunciation, detachment, cessation, and ultimately lead to serenity, insight, and nirvana. Thus, I expound upon these dharmas..."

Among the ten metaphysical questions above, the first four questions are about the duration and grandness of the universe. This is cosmology. No matter whether the world is eternal or non-eternal, finite or infinite, these concepts are not beneficial to human beings' liberation from suffering.

The next two questions are about body and mind. According to the Buddha's teachings, "All phenomena are empty and devoid of self", this is one of the Three Dharma Seals. In fact, the doctrine of no-self is a major feature of Buddhism, so if one asks whether body and mind are one or separate, it is simply irrelevant to the teachings of the Buddha. For Buddhism, these questions are simply out of the question.

02.Metaphysical related questions can lead people astray.

During the time of the Buddha, there was a Bhiksu named Mālunkyāputta. One afternoon, while he was engaged in meditation, he abruptly stood up and made his way to the Buddha's dwelling. After paying his respects with a bow, he sat down and addressed the Buddha, saying, "Honorable One, while I was in meditation, a thought suddenly arose within me regarding ten questions for which you have never provided a clear explanation. Whenever people ask these questions, you always set them aside and remain silent. I find that disconcerting."

"Honorable One, if you can provide a clear explanation of these ten questions to me today, I will persist in practicing the holy life. However, if you choose to remain silent, I will lose faith and cease my pursuit of the holy life. If you know whether the world is eternal, please enlighten me on that matter. And if the universe is not eternal, I am curious to understand the reason behind it. If you do not have the answers, simply say, 'I do not know.'"

佛陀说:“你这愚蠢的人啊!你当初出家修行就是为了了解这些形而上学的问题吗?你跟随我修梵行时我答应过你将会回答这些问题吗?” 曼童子回答说:“世尊,没有。”
The Buddha responded, saying, "You fool! Did you enter the holy life with the purpose of comprehending these metaphysical questions? Did I make any promises to answer such questions when you chose to follow me in the holy life?" Mālunkyāputta replied, "World-Honored One, no."

The Buddha said, "You will perish before receiving an answer from the Tathagata. Mālunkyāputta, you are behaving like a person wounded by a poisoned arrow. When relatives and friends find a doctor to heal him, he demands, 'Before you extract the arrow, answer my questions: Who shot me? What is their name? What is their appearance? Where do they come from? What is the bow made of? How about the arrow? What materials compose the shaft? What bird's feather is on the arrowhead? Doctor, if you fail to provide a satisfactory explanation, I will refuse treatment!'"

"Mālunkyāputta, this person perished long before these answers became known. If someone is consumed by these metaphysical dilemmas all day long and desperately pursues them, they will stray from the path and ultimately gain nothing."

03.Due to the limitations of language, ordinary people cannot fully grasp the reality through words alone.

Language is a manmade construct used to express events, experiences, thoughts and feelings that are perceived through the mind and senses. It utilizes symbols to represent familiar things and ideas. Language is confined by the constraints of time, space, and dependent origination, unable to transcend these limitations.

In other words, human beings can only express their thoughts and perspectives within the confines of time, space, and dependent origination. At times, human language falls short in capturing the full reality of our daily lives. For instance, certain intense emotions or feelings defy adequate verbal expression. Hence, human language is not omnipotent; it possesses certain limitations.

In terms of knowing the truth, language is even more powerless, because the Buddha dharma is beyond the world and is restricted beyond the limitations of time, space and the law of dependent origination. Human beings can only experience it, but cannot describe it in words, as it is referred to as "The ultimate truth is beyond words and thoughts." In fact, these questions can never be fully and satisfactorily answered through language, as no language can articulate such a realm.

Just as there is no descriptive word for land in the vocabulary of a fish. The tortoise tells his friend, the fish, that he has just returned to the lake after a walk on land. The fish says, "What's the difference between walking and swimming?" The tortoise wishes to explain walking to the fish. The land is solid so one could not swim on it but only walk on it. Obviously, the fish will never be able to experience what it is like to walk on land.

Likewise, in the vocabulary of an ordinary person, it is impossible to find the appropriate words to describe Nirvana. However nowadays, many people use the most elaborate words in the world to describe the sublime supremacy of Nirvana; and some even rack their brains to painfully and lengthily describe the blissful state of the Buddha after his death. The result is just as what the "Lankavatara Sutra" says, “fools are attached to words, like elephants stuck in a quagmire, unable to extricate themselves.”

04.The Buddha's method of enlightening sentient beings is to teach them according to their aptitudes.

The Buddha is not a computer, he won't simply answer any questions without thinking. He is a teacher who is very concern about practical benefits; he is also full of compassion and wisdom. He does not answer questions to show off his knowledge, but to help the questioner on the path of enlightenment. When he talks to a person, he always keeps in mind the level, inclination, capacities, character and ability of understanding a certain issue of that person.

According to the Buddha's teachings, there are four ways to deal with the imposed questions:
1.When the questions are direct and obvious, deprived of the metaphysical aspects, they must be answered directly. For example, what is the cause of suffering?
2.Certain questions must be answered analytically, such as "is Buddhism an idealism or materialism"?
3.Other questions must be answered by questioning back.
4.There is a class of questions that must be answered by silence. For example, when someone asked the Buddha about metaphysics, the Buddha often kept silent.

So, when Pocha asked the Buddha if there is a god and self, the Buddha always kept silent. The Buddha's silence had an effect on Pocha than any eloquence. The compassionate and wise Buddha took great care of the bewildered seeker and expressed his deep concern for him.

In short, these ten questions that the Buddha did not answer are all about the realm of the Buddha's enlightenment. The transcendent state of Buddha's enlightenment can only be realized through practice. For ordinary people, even if the Buddha were to explain it to them, they would never comprehend such a transcendent realm beyond the mundane world.

Once long-ago, when the Buddha was passing by a forest in Khohimmi (in present-day Allahabat, India), he took a few leaves and put them in his hands. He asked his disciples, "O bhiksu, what do you think? Are there more leaves in my hand, or are there more leaves in the forest here?" "World-Honored One, you have only a few leaves in your hand, but there are countless leaves here in the forest."

"Similarly, the Dharma I know is like leaves in the forest, and what I have told you is just like the leaves in my hand, only a small portion. There is much Dharma that I have not spoken of! But why haven't I revealed all of it to you? Because they are not beneficial, they do not lead to the realization of Nirvana. That is the reason why I have not spoken those dharmas."

易明之光 Mini读书@2023