@易明之光 2023-12-30 字数 1705 阅读 0

做事情的关注点 The Focus of Doing Things

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

The Focus of Doing Things - Nurturing Kindness and Virtuous Acts in Others, Not Outcomes.

When we do things, whether it is for self-cultivation or for benefiting others, the objective result and efficiency cannot be said to be unimportant, but it is not the most important.

Therefore, in the execution of tasks, our focus should not be on whether they are completed correctly, done well, or perfectly, but rather on investing our utmost effort without expecting anything in return.

In the Saha world, it is impossible for Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to perfectly propagate the Dharma and benefit all sentient beings, because the karma of all sentient beings is inconceivable. In such circumstances, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can only follow the causes and conditions and do their best to liberate us.

Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have no way to help us attain Buddhahood in the present life, so they can't be perfect in all aspects. They can only conceal their merits and virtues to save as many sentient beings as possible in the six realms.

No doubt, until the end of time, the endeavors of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will culminate in a perfect outcome. Until the end of time, the final result, extending beyond thought and consideration, is that all sentient beings will attain Buddhahood.

Therefore, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas never consider the outcome; rather, in the process of liberating sentient beings, they follow the causes and conditions and make every effort to reduce confusion and suffering time for all sentient beings.

We must learn wisdom, foresight, and compassion from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Let's not demand perfection when doing things, and let's not be too hard on ourselves and others.

To be less hard on others and more tolerant. Following the principle of working together can ensure harmonious long-term relationships. This principle is easy to understand. However, we tend to be hard on ourselves and may not easily realize it.

People who are hard on themselves due to internal emotional pressure will unconsciously release that pressure and spread it to those around them, giving the impression that they are difficult to get along with.

People who demand too much perfection of themselves, due to the high psychological pressure they impose on themselves, not only perform worse in tasks but also hinder their own spiritual growth.

Therefore, mentality is crucial as it determines everything. Avoid putting excessive pressure on yourself. It's akin to carrying a load – only bear what you are capable of. If your capacity is for 50 kgs, then carry just that. Don't aim for 60 kgs, as that additional 10 kgs may crush you and impede your from moving forward.

For sure, in real life, performing ordinary tasks may not make us appear so foolish. However, in spiritual practice, we can be so foolish that we insist on taking on tasks that are clearly beyond our abilities or impossible to accomplish.

You are always anxious, taking things too seriously, and attaching too much importance to the outcomes. Your persistence may leave the spiritual friends around you feeling helpless and speechless, and things may not go smoothly in the future.

So, when we are doing things, the key is to nurture the kindness and virtuous acts in others.

However, when novice Bodhisattvas support the kindness and virtuous acts in others, there may still be some selfishness as they aim to increase their own merits.

While helping sentient beings, they may also have the intention of accumulating merits for themselves. These karmic tendencies of heavenly and worldly paths are often deeply hidden within their hearts, and they may be unaware of them.

Additionally, Theravada practitioners who follow the path of liberation, when helping sentient beings, tend to focus on reducing their own afflictions such as greed, hatred, ignorance, doubt, and arrogance. While this is understandable, it doesn't align with the state of the Mahayana Bodhisattva path.

Mahayana practitioners are comparatively pure, selfless, and altruistic. They make a single-minded effort to support the kindness and virtuous acts of all sentient beings without being concerned about "my" merits. This is because they possess not only the wisdom of no-self but also bodhicitta.

When Mahayana practitioners protect all sentient beings, their selfishness naturally decreases. They are no longer concerned with increasing their own merits but instead focus on giving to all beings.

When practicing Dharma, if we don’t reflect deeply, we may still become attached to the Dharma and greedy for merits. Therefore, when Buddhas and Bodhisattvas teach sentient beings, they make every effort to guide them with the speech of the middle way, avoiding any attachments or greed that may mislead them.

The term "Buddhahood" signifies that one has enlightened oneself, enlightened others, and attained perfect enlightenment. This sentence mentions three enlightenments, where "enlightenment" refers to awakening. There is neither perfection to be gained nor Buddhahood to be attained.

So, the "Heart Sutra" says that there is nothing to attain — "No wisdom and no attainment." "No wisdom" means that even wisdom should not be attached; nothing is attainable, not even Buddhahood.

Because one’s essence is complete in itself, it simply is what it is. We just need to return to our true nature. In the state of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, there are no concepts such as wisdom, achievement, siddhi, Buddhahood, and sentient beings, although these are often pursued by novice Bodhisattvas.

Therefore, we need to practice subtraction by reducing our attachment to the self and external phenomena, and by diminishing greed, hatred, and ignorance. Everything needs to be reduced and abandoned completely. In the end, even the right understanding and views must be relinquished. This is the essence of "No wisdom and no attainment."

So, when we do things, the key concern is whether our motivation is genuine compassion, whether we genuinely support the kindness and virtuous acts of others.

Things themselves are neither perfect nor imperfect; there is no success or failure. Imperfection often serves as an important driving force for future development and growth. Success, on the other hand, can lead to arrogance, ending in complete defeat, or even death.

Therefore, whatever happens, happens for the good, as there are many causes and conditions that we cannot observe. We can only do our best and leave the rest to God's will.

This Dharma talk is very important; it may seem simple, but for most practitioners, improving their awareness is a gradual process, and swift transformation is challenging. During practice, once again, they unconsciously focus on the results and cling to the outcomes of their own practice.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023