@易明之光 2023-07-26 字数 957 阅读 0

事业成功的关键 The Key to Career Success

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

Excerpt from The Confucian Analects 03

Confucius said, "Is not the saying that talents are difficult to find, true? Only when the dynasties of Tang and Yu met, were they more abundant than in this of Zhou, yet there was a woman among them. The able ministers were no more than nine men. King Wen possessed two of the three parts of the empire, and with those he served the dynasty of Yin. The virtue of the house of Zhou may be said to have reached the highest point indeed."

"Talents are difficult to find" means that talented individuals are very hard to come by. During the times of Emperor Yao and Shun, it was a period with the most talented people. Shun had five ministers, and the empire was well governed.

King Wu said, "I have ten able ministers." King Wu of Zhou said, "I have ten virtuous ministers helping me govern the country, and among them is a woman."

Zhou Dynasty was once a large feudal state, and two-thirds of the feudal states in the country supported the Zhou Dynasty. However, King Wen of Zhou still paid homage to the Shang Dynasty and acknowledged King Zhou of Shang as his overlord. The virtue of the Zhou Dynasty can be regarded as the highest.

"The virtue of the house of Zhou" refers to King Wen of Zhou, King Wu, including Zhou Gong and Jiang Ziya, among others. Later, it naturally replaced the Shang Dynasty and unified the country. They utilized both civil and military skills, and under their rule, the country was governed peacefully and harmoniously.

Therefore, governing a country is not very difficult. You only need to find a few "virtuous and talented" ministers. Pay attention, it's "virtuous and talented," not "talented and virtuous." Put virtue first, with virtue and talent combined, then the country will be greatly governed.

Entrepreneurs and company chairpersons are the same. As long as you find a few individuals who possess both virtue and talent to work together, your enterprise or venture is bound to succeed. You might say, "Where can we find such virtuous and talented individuals? It's too difficult to find such people."

In fact, the scarcity of talent is relative. Individuals who possess both virtue and talent exist in every era. The problem lies in whether you have a good affinity with them and whether your own virtuous conduct can move and inspire them. The difficulty in finding talent lies in these two aspects.

For example, under Liu Bei's command, there were loyal and talented generals such as Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, and Huang Zhong. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhuge Liang need no introduction. Zhao Yun excelled in both literary and martial abilities, Ma Chao was brave and skilled in warfare, and Huang Zhong remained formidable despite his advanced age.

Why were so many talents able to gather under Liu Bei's command? Firstly, it was because Liu Bei himself possessed virtue, had the ability to recognize talents, and knew how to utilize their abilities. Secondly, there was a good affinity between him and these individuals. Cao Cao also valued talents and desired to have Guan Yu on his side, but he did not have the same blessings and affinities.

那么,福德和因缘从何而来呢?觉悟者说:“福德和因缘是前世和今生跟随觉悟者努力学习和实修而来的。” 普观天下能成就一番大事业的人,他们的成功还真不是靠这辈子的努力就能达成的。
So, where do blessings and affinities come from? The enlightened ones say, "Blessings and affinities come from diligent learning and practice with the enlightened ones in past lives and the present." Those who can achieve great accomplishments in the world generally cannot attain success solely through efforts in one lifetime.

Through multiple lifetimes of study and practice, by forming good relationships and making friends with virtuous individuals, one can have the opportunity to work with them and learn from them in this lifetime. Success will naturally follow.

Therefore, we should not rush into building our careers, but instead, seek virtuous and talented wise individuals. Learn from them, strive in our practice, be a good person, and elevate our wisdom and state of mind while widely forming good relationships.

Like attracts like, and people naturally group together. Gradually, you will encounter individuals with virtue. Slowly, more and more virtuous and talented individuals will gather around you. In such a team, you will naturally find your place and fulfill your life's purpose.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023