@易明之光 2023-07-27 字数 459 阅读 0

大师养成四要素 The Four Elements to Cultivate Mastery

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

True masters who achieve remarkable success in their professional fields don't achieve it over one lifetime.

Generally, they need to have a solid foundation, often referred to as talent. They also need to encounter excellent teachers and start learning and practicing from a young age. Lastly, they must be exceptionally diligent themselves.

Possessing these four qualities, there is a possibility of becoming a master in one's generation. Whether you are learning Tai Chi, music, painting, traditional Chinese medicine, science, or wisdom, the principle remains the same.

For instance, if you are learning to play Go and aspire to become a Go master, first, you must have talent. At a young age—around five or six, or in your early teens—you encounter a good Go teacher who slowly nurtures your skills. You diligently memorize life and death patterns (in Go) and learn to apply them flexibly. Moreover, you put in extra effort to improve yourself. As you grow older, you learn about strategic placement, study the moves of international Go masters, and only then can you achieve success in the game.

No matter what you do, the basics are the most important. It's the same with martial arts; if your basic skills aren't solid enough, it's just superficial moves. In calligraphy, if your basic skills aren't deep enough and you haven't mastered Regular Script, attempting Semi-cursive Script or Cursive Script, you will not improve your level. Similarly, if your state of mind isn't sufficient, the words you write will be like block printing, just suitable for writing Spring Festival couplets.

To become a true master, always remember: Do not aim too high and rush impatiently, haste makes waste. Success comes with taking step by step in the right order.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023