@易明之光 2023-08-12 字数 922 阅读 0

返璞归真是怎样达成的?How to Achieve the Return to Authenticity?

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

Time is forever young, while we gradually age. Life transitions from innocence, youth, rebellion, confusion, worldliness, and pursuit of fame to introspection, self-discipline, rationality, maturity, settling, enlightenment, transformation, and returning to authenticity.

The highest realm of life is to never forget the original aspiration and return to innate artlessness.

May I ask, at which stage of life did your life experience come to a halt?

Li Zhi of the Ming Dynasty said, "The child's heart is purely genuine without any falsehood, it is the original mind at the very beginning." In the innocent years of childhood, muddled and naive, everything feels fresh and exciting with curiosity. As age advances, it brings confusion, uncertainty, suffering, and struggle. Some people get lost and sink into this process.

Mu Xin, Chinese contemporary writer and painter was imprisoned multiple times from 1956 to 1979, enduring over twenty years of torment. During his time in prison, he suffered greatly and even lost two fingers. Those who imprisoned him thought, "This guy will surely have to crawl out of the cell." However, when Mu Xin was released from prison, he still stood tall with a strong spirit.

He is a person who speaks his mind and is straightforward, yet maintains his integrity. Having witnessed the complexities and darkness of the world, and experienced the turmoil and absurdity of the mundane, although he has moved past a period of confusion in his life, he remains within the stage of the worldly and fame, and hasn't yet entered a stage of self-reflection. In his writings, due to a lack of understanding of the sage's mindset, he haphazardly judges Confucius' thoughts.

Confucius said, "Aspire to the Way, base yourself on Virtue, rely on Benevolence, and immerse yourself in the Arts." Muxin remains in the state of "relying on Benevolence and immersing himself in the Arts," without yet understanding what the Way and Virtue are. He has been in and out of prison three times, never genuinely reflecting on why he ended up in prison, but rather complaining about it.

Mu Xin himself said, "I am a person who experiences heavy snowfall in the darkness! True maturity is when you can detach your inner self from this world, even after going through countless experiences. It is about enjoying life without indulging excessively, and enduring hardships without succumbing to negativity."

From his words, we can see that he considers himself mature, yet in fact, he hasn't truly entered the stage of self-reflection. Many of China's intellectuals are stuck at the stage of pursuing fame, being blindly arrogant, excessively narcissistic, and harboring a strong sense of self-righteousness.

Ordinary humans often need to undergo purgatorial experiences before they can enter the stage of self-reflection. The stage of self-reflection is a critical phase where a person can potentially experience a rebirth. If, during this stage, one encounters a sage and is guided by their wisdom, they can gradually enter the phases of self-discipline and rationality.

When a person reaches the stage of rationality, no matter what they do, they will undoubtedly remain true to their original intentions and hold steadfast to their beliefs. This individual is bound to journey toward maturity, introspection, enlightenment, transformation, and authenticity, ultimately experiencing a rebirth.

When a person reaches the stage of maturity, they are able to be worldly-wise yet not cynical. They can see through human flaws yet forgive those flaws, facing external darkness while maintaining an inner light. They live with clarity, vitality, ease, and a carefree spirit.

As Romain Rolland once said, "There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is and to love it."

Finally, let us begin to reflect on life together:
Return to a genuine feeling, show more kindness to others, and reduce the cold indifference of mechanical actions;
Return to a genuine sense of righteousness, be more open with others, and lessen the false humility of pretending to be wise while protecting oneself;
Return to a sense of responsibility, carry more burdens for others, and reduce the apathy of sluggish and half-hearted efforts.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023