@易明之光 2023-07-27 字数 575 阅读 0

婚姻不幸的女人,怎么改变命运?How to Change Destiny of Unhappy Women in Marriage

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

There is a very abnormal phenomenon in society, where many literary and artistic works depict the oppression and suppression of husbands, while portraying husbands as timid and submissive, trying to please the audience in a "a mouse in front of a cat" form.

This conveys an ideology to women that promotes female strength and male weakness, implying that husbands should be demeaned and suppressed by their wives, which is extremely harmful to families with no benefits at all.

Because men need respect, and women need love, families where men are often ridiculed are very likely to be unhappy. Moreover, in such families, men tend to be more prone to illness, and some may even have shorter lifespans.

Of course, there are also some men who won't be affected or hurt because they have a generous and tolerant personality. Even if they can't bear it anymore, but they don't resent women. They know when it's time to break up or get a divorce.

And those men who are oppressed and belittled in their families are mostly kind-hearted and responsible for their families. They often face bullying at work and already have enough stress there. When they come home, they have to endure their wives' scolding. Over time, how can they not get sick? Take a closer look at your man, and you'll notice that he's losing confidence because of your words. Does he still have the drive and fighting spirit left in him?

Therefore, I advise those aggressive women to manage their emotions well, improve their cultivation, and not lash out in anger, demeaning their partners as incompetent, useless, or worthless individuals who can't accomplish anything.

You should know that a man who lacks determination cannot support a family or become your pillar. Marriage is a shared destiny. Those foolish women who seek temporary pleasure by venting their emotions will ultimately hurt themselves.

Stop using resentment to weaken the strength of men. Instead, be a supportive and encouraging wife. Only by doing so can the family prosper and everything go smoothly.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023