@易明之光 2023-07-27 字数 576 阅读 0

不在其位,不谋其政 Not in Position, Not Deciding

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

There is a line from the Analects, a phrase we often hear: "Not in the position, not involved in decision-making." This statement holds profound wisdom.

Why does it say "Not in the position, not involved in decision-making"? Because when you are not in that specific position, you lack a comprehensive understanding of the overall situation, specific details, and the complexities involved in every aspect. Without knowing the development stage and the challenges faced, you might mistakenly assume and make reckless comments. You are unaware of the true situation; all you see from the outside is superficial. Offering advice and making plans without knowing the internal reality only does more harm than good, wastes time, and squanders life.

Only when you are "in the position" – meaning you have a comprehensive understanding of the relationships and specific situations both above and below you – can you truly "know yourself and know others." It is then that you can effectively "be involved in decision-making."

Therefore, from now on, we don't need to engage in meaningless chatter, stop judging others' actions, stop nitpicking their flaws, and avoid dictating how others should behave. It is easy for outsiders who are not in the position to make comments, but in reality, they have no understanding of the difficulties and problems faced by those who are in the position. They are unaware of the challenges and the intricate complexities of the situation.

There are many things in the world, and they are also very complex. We don't have the ability or the energy to meddle in everything. Let's stop interfering in other people's matters and focus on handling our own affairs and understanding ourselves.

First, you must be clear about your own position, then thoroughly understand the current stage of your actions, make accurate judgments about future trends, and achieve "know yourself and know others." By doing so, you will be able to do well in your own tasks.

This principle is actually easy for everyone to understand, but putting it into practice is challenging. In this world, there are many people who are not in the right position yet love to meddle in decision-making. May I ask, do you also find yourself often doing such thankless and unnecessary tasks?

易明之光 Mini读书@2023