@易明之光 2023-09-01 字数 486 阅读 0

如何才能服众?How to Win Public Trust?

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

Excerpted from Precious Teachings of the Chan Monastery 08

To be a good leader, there are some essentials that must be known:

1.Generosity is valuable when facing the public.
When in front of people, one should be generous, magnanimous, and try to satisfy their various needs and wishes as much as possible, making them feel content.

2.Simplicity in personal matters is essential.
Strive to keep everything simple and frugal for yourself.

3.The rest of the trivial matters is of no concern.
Those trivialities and insignificant matters do not require your worry; don't keep them on your mind all the time.

4.When employing people, treat them sincerely; when speaking, focus on key points.
In terms of employing people, you must approach them with a genuine heart and be trustworthy.
In terms of speaking to people, do not speak frivolously or ramble on without getting to the point. Express yourself clearly and concisely, with substance, making your words impactful. This demonstrates self-respect and self-love, showcasing the dignity of leadership.

If a person in a leadership position can maintain self-respect, there is no need to deliberately assume a stern appearance; the public will naturally find favor and trust. As ancient wisdom says of Confucius, from a distance he seems imposing, yet when one gets closer, it becomes apparent that he is actually amiable and kind-hearted.

A good leader should evoke a sense of dignity from a distance, yet be approachable and friendly up close. Therefore, to become a leader who earns genuine respect and trust, one must embody these qualities oneself.

By achieving the above points, leaders will find people willingly dedicating their efforts and energies to support them, regardless of the type of person. This is far more effective than using authority and power to drive and force compliance through coercion and criticism. The difference in results is significant!

易明之光 Mini读书@2023