@易明之光 2023-09-01 字数 409 阅读 0

如何成为阳光的人?Becoming a Positive and Sunny Person

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

Desiring longevity begins with eliminating illness. To eliminate illness, one must first harmonize the mind. Our body is simply a tool; if the tool malfunctions, it is undoubtedly the mind using it that has gone astray.

Therefore, attitude is of paramount importance. A positive mindset is a rarity; it requires continuous learning of the true Dharma so one can adjust the mindset. Consistently reinforcing the notions of true Dharma over the long term allows for a gradual transformation, replacing erroneous beliefs, and ultimately nurturing a healthier mindset.

Transform your mind into a state of positive energy, becoming someone welcomed by friends and family, bringing joy to everyone who encounters you. A genuinely sunny person shines wherever they go, filling others with happiness. Let's avoid becoming energy-absorbers, constantly drawing energy from others wherever we go, as this is not very beneficial.

We should become people who radiate energy outwardly, like the sun wherever we go, bringing joy to everyone who meets us. When others need sunshine, you become the sunshine; when others need rain, you become the rain.

If we become such person, how could we still fall ill? We won't. By then, everything will go smoothly for you, and gradually, you will also attract more and more like-minded people to come around you.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023