@易明之光 2023-09-01 字数 613 阅读 0

世纪大难题——婆媳关系不好,谁是关键?The Century's Big Dilemma: Poor Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law Relationship, Who Holds the Key?

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

We respect everyone, and first and foremost, it should begin with respecting our own family members.

As a man, if the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship between your mother and wife is strained, you need to introspect; the issue undoubtedly lies with you.

Firstly, your lack of respect and filial piety towards your mother sends a message to your wife. Observing your attitude towards your mother, she may unconsciously mimic it and consequently show insufficient respect and filial piety towards her too. While a mother might endure her son's attitude, she might not be willing to endure such an attitude from her daughter-in-law, leading to conflicts and contradictions.

Similarly, if you also lack respect for your wife, belittle her, and frequently engage in arguing or scolding, your mother might also lack respect for her and mistreat her observing your behavior towards your wife.

On the other hand, when a wife faces mistreatment from her husband and has no outlet for her frustrations, she might vent her anger by finding faults with your mother, directing her resentment towards her and causing conflicts and clashes. Some men excessively favor their wives in front of their mothers, which can make the mother feel neglected. This might lead the mother to feel as if her son is being taken away from her and subconsciously lead to jealousy. Consequently, she might start pointing out flaws in the daughter-in-law. This can worsen the tension, gradually escalating into family conflicts.

There's another type of man who is rather timid. When conflicts arise between his mother and wife, he remains silent, refrains from speaking, or even walks away. This approach can escalate the conflicts further, ultimately leading to irreconcilable conflicts.

A wise man behaves differently. When conflicts arise between his mother and wife, he will stand by his mother's side in front of her, showing respect to the elder. Even if his mother is being unreasonable, he will pretend to scold his wife in front of her. However, behind the scenes, he will console his wife and work to resolve the conflicts. It's not easy for a woman to become part of your family; she needs to adapt to the family's ways and show filial piety to her in-laws. If she doesn't receive the respect she deserves, achieving harmony in the family is unlikely.

Remember: A harmonious family leads to prosperity in all aspects.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023