@易明之光 2023-09-02 字数 512 阅读 0

与人和睦相处的秘诀 The Secret to Harmonious Interactions with Others

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

When two people first become friends, everything goes smoothly. However, as time passes, they begin to impose their habits and ideas on each other, which leads to arguments.

That's why it doesn't take long for people in romantic relationships to start arguing; it's what's known as "adjustment." This issue also exists in relationships between companies and within families.

Therefore, when we interact with others, we should not be quick to impose our own ideas and opinions on them. Instead, we should first aim to establish a "position of influence," meaning we should stand tall. Standing tall represents having high principles and a lofty intellectual perspective. Only with justice and wisdom can you truly stand tall.

Even so, you should not rush to force or change the other person. Especially within families and marriages, trying to change someone else is almost impossible. Therefore, you can only change yourself.

When you change yourself, the other person may be influenced by your transformation, gradually learning from you and changing themselves. In this way, you assimilate them, and this leads to harmony within the family, achieving unity.

People nowadays lack this wisdom; they often force others to listen to them. This is akin to wielding weapons to threaten, intimidate, or even physically harm someone to make them comply.

However, if your merits are insufficient and you haven't convinced them with your virtuous conduct in various aspects, having knowledge and viewpoints learned from books or teachers and merely parroting them to others won't make them believe in you.

Therefore, you should put these teachings into practice, engage in self-cultivation, and develop your own virtuous conduct. When you speak, your wisdom and virtue will naturally shine through, and over time, the other person may undergo positive changes.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023