@易明之光 2023-09-02 字数 934 阅读 0

追星族们,醒醒吧!Star Chasers, Wake Up!

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

The lifestyle, actions, and even the smallest details of the so-called "successful individuals" in the modern world, including movie stars, singers, sports stars, and figures in the business and political realms, are admired by people, especially teenagers. Whether it's their clothing, diet, behavior, or even daily habits, they deeply influence the fervent fanbase, known as "star chasers."

No wonder in this era, the sages have gradually disappeared, as the minds of sentient beings are obscured by various ignorant habits, making it increasingly difficult for them to accept the wisdom and teachings of the sages.

In modern society, a diverse array of idols has become guides for people's behavior. However, these so-called celebrities are essentially ordinary individuals consumed by the fires of greed, anger, and afflictions. How can they lead people towards the path of self-purification?

In reality, deep down, the star chasers do not worship their idols; they simply aspire to the wealthy, famous, and leisurely lifestyles of celebrities.

In ancient times, people revered sacred teachings, and both family harmony and the governance of the nation were guided by the classics of sages. History served as a source of wisdom, and through generations of transmission, the vitality of the sage culture was ensured to avoid interruption.

However, the arrogant and ignorant modern people no longer value sacred teachings, and they even "knock down" these teachings. Without a moral compass, various wrongdoings emerge, and people, without the guidance and teachings of the wisdom and compassion of sages, are filled with erroneous views. Their thoughts become extremely confused and deviant, and the promotion of materialistic pleasures and the propagation of nihilistic beliefs after death start to take center stage.

Poor modern individuals, their ignorance and foolishness have been deep-rooted since time immemorial, and now, they are further tainted by various contaminating thoughts, making them thoroughly impure.

People in the dense forest of erroneous views cannot see a glimmer of truth. They breathe in wicked air, embrace murky thoughts, and in this environment, they are only guided by instructions on how to indulge, preach deception, employ ruthless competition tactics to destroy others for personal gain, and practice self-deception through self-promotion techniques...

And all these dazzling methods and techniques are simply meant to pander to, entice, and exacerbate people's afflictions. Because they lack the guidance of sacred teachings, most modern individuals are engaged in unwholesome actions without any discernment or wisdom, and their ability to distinguish between good and evil has almost completely eroded.

People fundamentally fail to introspect their own minds and understand their afflictions. Instead, they constantly yield to and reinforce their afflictions. Therefore, when they encounter circumstances that trigger desires, anger, and other afflictions, they are utterly powerless to counteract them. They have no idea how to protect themselves, and thus, unwholesome thoughts arise instantly, and the afflictions become uncontrollable.

When one doesn't know how to remedy afflictions, there is no respite, and as a result, the continuous cycle of greed, anger, and ignorance in the mind only strengthens without interruption. The relentless reinforcement of this cycle causes afflictions to remain intense, even when away from external stimuli, during solitude, and even in one's dreams.

Modern people, concealed beneath their glamorous exteriors, often experience many times more inner turmoil and distress than ancient people. When afflictions surpass their control, various severe psychological disorders may emerge, including mental breakdown, personality fragmentation, and madness.

So star chasers, it's time to wake up!

易明之光 Mini读书@2023