@易明之光 2023-12-29 字数 628 阅读 0

做到这句话,做人就成功了 Success as a Person Hinges on Embracing this Saying

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

When others are going through difficulties, we should empathize with them, share their feelings, and truly understand their pain. This is because we have all experienced similar suffering. If we sincerely imagine and recollect those moments, we can feel it.

Once we feel it, it's as if we also have the same pain, and then we will know how to help. Therefore, empathy is the most crucial method for helping others. Without truly empathizing, our assistance may often fall short or be applied incorrectly.

The so-called "exchanging self with others" is essentially what we often refer to as putting oneself in someone else's shoes, considering things from their perspective, and empathizing with their feelings.

For instance, in a strained mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship, the mother-in-law should consider the situation from the daughter-in-law's viewpoint, imagining herself as the daughter-in-law. Similarly, the daughter-in-law should do the same, contemplating the issue from the mother-in-law's perspective. Through this practice of exchanging self with others, mutual understanding and forgiveness become possible.

When you approach problems from another person's perspective, you can comprehend why they act the way they do. Recognizing that people are inherently self-interested, and it's normal for them to prioritize themselves, enables you to empathize and forgive.

To navigate life successfully, one must learn the art of exchanging oneself with others, embodying the principle of "Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire." If a person can adhere to this saying, they have succeeded in being human.

Refraining from imposing on others what one dislikes or wishes to avoid is a challenging task. Often, we find ourselves unable to achieve this, as we habitually stand in our own perspective, making demands on others without understanding or empathy.

If everyone in the world could adhere to the principle of "do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire," our world would be at peace.

Certainly, this is simply the foundation of cultivating virtue. Those sages have reached a much higher level of exchanging self with others. In their quest to alleviate the suffering of sentient beings and help them escape the hardships of life and death, they are willing to make any sacrifice, even giving up their own lives. This level of attainment is still distant for us. We can start by embracing the principle of "do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire" and gradually work towards inner elevation.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023