@易明之光 2023-12-29 字数 1083 阅读 0

如何成为沟通达人?How to Become a Communication Expert?

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

In our daily lives, we tend to be self-centered, preoccupied with our own feelings, selfishness, desires, and thoughts, paying little attention to what others may think. When engaging in conversations with others, you focus on expressing yourself, expecting others to listen to you, without genuinely investing effort to listen to what others have to say.

You may not attentively listen or may only catch fragments of what others express because you lack sincerity. When you don't genuinely listen to someone sharing their thoughts, the words you hear are filtered through your own preconceptions. In other words, you re-translate and interpret their words according to your own understanding.

We may believe we understand what others are saying, but in reality, we haven't truly grasped it. What we hear is often a reinterpretation and an imaginative understanding shaped by our own perspectives. In truth, this may not accurately reflect the genuine meaning intended by the speaker, as we might have misinterpreted it.

Observing certain behaviors in others, you may judge based on your own discriminating thoughts: "He's doing this to harm me." In reality, he might be trying to assist you. Your self-preservation and self-love prompt you to make such judgments and analyses. Consequently, conflicts and clashes are bound to arise between you two, as the other person is likely to be just as self-centered. It's only natural for two individuals driven by selfish motives to clash with each other.

In social interactions, even though we have our own thoughts, when listening to others, it's crucial to completely set aside our discriminating thoughts and attachments, especially any preconceived notions we may have about them. Letting go of preconceptions is not an easy task. When you hold preconceived notions about a person, you tend to view them through that lens, attributing their words and actions to negative traits.

When you have a favorable opinion of someone, you tend to interpret their negative words in a positive light. Conversely, when you harbor negative preconceptions about them, you may perceive their positive actions in a negative way. This is the nature of preconceptions – we often judge others based on our own biased perspectives.

In fact, people are impermanent. What someone thought when they did something yesterday may be entirely different from their thoughts when doing the same thing today.

For instance, if yesterday they did something that hurt you, an act you disliked, you might perceive it as stemming from a selfish mindset. However, after a night has passed, perhaps they watched a certain movie or experienced something that made them feel remorseful or embarrassed. The next day, when they repeat the action, their mindset has changed; maybe they now intend to help or benefit you.

The same action, whether done yesterday or today, or even within the span of an hour, can be accompanied by different mental states. The human mind is impermanent, constantly changing. How can ordinary individuals confidently make judgments? We often assume that others will remain the same, unchanging.

Therefore, if we genuinely want to understand the mindset of others, we must cultivate the practice of exchanging self with others. Avoid preconceptions when others speak; listen with a tranquil heart, feel their emotions, and hear their inner thoughts. By listening with utmost sincerity, you can discern whether their words are genuine or not.

By clearly understanding their inner thoughts, you grasp their current genuine mindset. Then, using your wisdom and skill, guide them towards a positive direction. True sages possess selfless wisdom, never centered on themselves but always focused on helping sentient beings. Consequently, they consistently strive to assist others in any way possible.

We should also practice this mindset, not centering our actions around personal interests when interacting with any being. Everything we do should be for their benefit, gradually cultivating the habit of selflessness for the benefit of others. This way, things become more manageable.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023