@易明之光 2023-12-29 字数 341 阅读 0

真正不求回报的心态 The True Mindset of Seeking Nothing in Return

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

When we are honest enough with ourselves, we will realize that when we interact, socialize, or collaborate with others, there are always some selfish motives at play — wanting to gain some benefits or advantages, or making plans for the future, and so on.

This is actually a mindset of taking. So, now we need to change it. When we engage with anyone, we shouldn't think about what we can get from them or what we can gain. We shouldn't even think about establishing a connection with them. Instead, our sole focus should be on benefiting them.

If someone can start learning to change themselves through our conversations and interactions, that's enough.

Perhaps they will transition from seeking outwardly to introspection, from greed and taking to contentment and giving, and even begin searching for the true meaning of life – we are happy for them, but at the same time, we have no wishes or expectations from them.

Those who truly possess positive energy have such a mindset – naturally content and at ease, free from worries. To achieve this sense of ease and non-attachment, it is crucial to learn the wisdom passed down by the awakened ones. Only this wisdom can create the right inner environment.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023