@易明之光 2023-12-29 字数 1019 阅读 0

恕道(版本一)The Way of Forgiveness V1

第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People

Confucius often spoke about forgiveness. What does forgiveness mean? It means that when others make mistakes, you don't take it to heart, your mind doesn't follow their errors, and you don't harbor anger.

When others make mistakes, whether it's directed at you or someone else, do not get angry. Anger is futile and only harms yourself. Once you get angry, it shows that you have already fallen into a pit. If someone makes a mistake, and you follow them by making a mistake as well, both of you end up falling into the pit together.

"Forgiveness" means that when we see others make mistakes, we should cultivate a heart of tolerance and compassion towards them. It's like when you see your three-year-old child making a mistake, would you get angry with them? Would you not forgive them? Would you hit or scold them? Certainly not. When they are seven or eight years old, you might discipline them if they keep making mistakes after continuously teaching and guiding every day. However, with a three or five-year-old child, when they make a mistake, you would definitely not resort to hitting them haphazardly. That's what forgiveness is about.

We may forgive children, but we are less forgiving towards adults, thinking they should know better - we have already set in our minds how they should be or act. When others don't do things the way we think they "should," we consider them to be wrong, when in fact, they may not be. It is simply in our subjective judgments, thinking that they have made a mistake, and then we get angry, start to resist, harbor contempt, or even take pleasure in their misfortune. These are negative emotions and are unjustified.

A positive mindset is forgiveness, no matter what mistakes they make, your heart won't be angry or upset, that's called forgiveness. If you become angry, even if you show forgiveness on the surface, it's actually fake because you haven't truly forgiven in your heart. Hypocrites behave this way, they may appear to forgive others and say things like, "I won't mind," but then they turn around and harm others.

We need to resolve issues from within our hearts, true forgiveness comes from a forgiving heart. Therefore, the way of forgiveness is not easy. When we fully comprehend karma with wisdom and genuinely generate renunciation, forgiving becomes effortless.

Those who truly seek renunciation won't be concerned about the mistakes of beings in the Three Realms. If they make mistakes, help if you can, or leave it if you can't. Their mistakes or harm towards you are also helping you progress on the way of enlightenment and eliminating your negative karma. Why wouldn't you be grateful to them?

When you possess true understanding and true view, knowing that you should forgive and also recognizing your own faults, but you still find it difficult to control the emergence of negative emotions, what should you do? There is no other way but to listen to the Dharma teachings.

After listening for a while, your heart will feel much more at ease, and the negative karma from earlier will subside significantly, and the anger within you will diminish. If you don't listen to the teachings, you will remain stuck in that state, and it might take ten days or even half a month to come out of it.

This is the way of cultivation. You may still make the same mistake the next time, but when you listen to the teachings again, the afflictions will be subdued a little faster than the previous time. After going through hundreds or even thousands of times, gradually, you will succeed.

No one can succeed in just one or two attempts. It takes countless repetitions, over and over again, with each repetition weakening the habit of afflictions a little bit. Slowly, it diminishes. After three to five years, you will start to see some results. The mind is no longer as restless as before and gradually becomes more composed.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023